We have been waiting

She remember those words that was just a whisper of winds.

You have arrived. The voices seemed to call out in joy.

"How?" The duck asked and turned to Rhia, "No one has ever know a Dominion to grow. This is impossible. She is eclipsing your power, is she stronger than the Dominion God Kings? Can this be possible?"

"The other dominions would be no match for her." Rhia said, "Anyone who tried to invade this world, this realm would soon know their follow."

"But the Dominion god kings are the most powerful beings" The duck protested, "Their powers are unlimited."

"No. They have limits. But she does not. She is Cybelline, and her powers know no bounds." Rhia answered, feeling the weight of keeping the broken dominion intact leaving her body. She had tried so hard against the cruelty of the other Dominions. Now, her worlds had a true protector. A true ruler of a true land.

Rhia watched in stunned silence. This was power that she had never seen before. She did not need to fear for her land, rather, and soon. All those who sought to invade this Dominion would feel unbound fear.

Cybelline continued to push herself to grow into this power, to own it.

It was not an uneasy subjugation of power like the one she had experienced with the Fae tree. She had lived on borrowed power from the source, it was a part of her and yet it did not belong to her.

This was her power. This was her birthright. This was her dominion. Never had she felt more strength as lava body became liquid and solid at the same time. She created a vast lake of lava beneath the volcano, a store of power that would be hidden by the unassuming exterior of the mountain. Enemies would never guess that she was even more powerful than they thought.

Cybelline closed her eyes once more and from the volcano, a new barrier was issued forth. everything that was attacking Rhia's barrier was vaporized. Everything was destroyed the moment it touched her.

The invading magics had no chance to escape as her net captured every single strand. Nothing got past her and nothing could go back and warn the Dominion God Kings of this new threat. This would be their downfall.

Once she had cleared the skys, the new barrier pulsed and turned invisible, the land looking bigger and even more ripe for the taking.

Cybeline smiled and then just as Rhia did, she walked from the heart of the lava lake from the volcano.  Her soul was now gold and fire, she stood in front of them, in her pure spirit form.

Closing her eyes, she made a new body out of the magic she possessed.

In front of them stood a girl with bright red hair and eyes of the brightest emerald. She looked to be a normal human female.

She opened her black wings once more and flew into the air, enjoying the feeling of her new body and wings. They had new iridescent markings on them, but they were her wings.

Rhia came forward and bowed to the new queen of the dominion. In giving Cybelline her power, Rhia had given up the rights to being a Dominion goddess. Now she was just a tree spirit living in this land.

"You have made this world grow with you. I did not expect that." Rhia said, a little breathless, unable to keep up with the sight she had seen.

Cybelline flew down and landed by her, "You asked me to create my dominion form, this dominion has to change to accommodate me at my full power."

Her voice was ancient and new, it held so much power that Rhia wanted to kneel before her. Cybelline saw her face and coughed, quickly adjusting her voice.

She held out a hand, "Let me see your wounds, Rhia"

Rhia offered her arm, and Cybelline tapped on the grey veins that had cut into the Goddess's skin. In that moment, it all fell away. Rhia stared in disbelief. It had been a thousand years and nothing got rid of the poison.

Cybelline smiled, "I'm going to go and take care of the rest of the magic that managed to get past your barriers. It seemed I didn't clear all of it when I was in my old world."

She waved a hand and a small pond appears, it was just one of thousand but it was the one that Cybelline called home.

Cybelline patted her arm. "Go, rest. I think you're about spent. Don't worry. I will take care of this. And then we are going to have a nice, long conversation with those who have been bullying you."

Cybelline raised her large black wings. She looked at the mountain that was her Dominion form, as long as it stood, this realm was protected. The new barriers would soon attract attention. Good. She wanted them to know.

She flew toward the pond that held the realm where she had died. Taking deep breath, she dove in, the small pond that was no bigger than her palm swallowed her as she fell back towards that realm. She smiled viciously.

It was not going to be a fair fight.

Dark Queen: The Cybelline PropheciesWhere stories live. Discover now