arc 2: episode four.

Start from the beginning

The child Kina sat opposite to her in the same position, and she had the same sad look on her face.

Aunt Junghee realized that the memory she had just remembered was when it was still just a few months after the Tarshall invasion on Karidia.

It was only a few months after Kina had lost not only her kingdom, but also her family.

After the war, Aunt Junghee managed to repair and somehow restore the ruins of the castle and what was left of it into a small fortress. She made it so that the three of them would be able to live in there comfortably.

Sujin was always there for Kina ever since then. They were already friends before the invasion, but their bond became even stronger right after the war. Since they both lost their families to the war, they only had each other, so all what's left for them is to hold each other's hands tight and to never let go.

The image of the child Kina faded in front of Aunt Junghee, and she was faced again with a grown up Kina bearing the same lonely expression. Aunt Junghee sighed and shut her gloomy thoughts away.

"Oh!" She clapped her hands—suddenly remembering something, startling Kina which resulted her to nearly choking on her food.

"W-What?" She sputtered and coughed, then reached out to drink a big gulp of water from her canteen.

"How about we send her a messenger hawk?" Aunt Junghee suggested. "It may take days for it to arrive back but at least we'll get some news about Sujin."

Kina's eyes sparkled at the thought of communicating with her dear friend. All the sadness in her face was replaced by pure excitement and eagerness.

"Let's do it!"

Aunt Junghee chuckled at the young lady's expression, "Well, I guess we'll have to pay Sesid a visit then."


The spacious halls were deserted and silent, and only the heavy footsteps of the First Lieutenant could be heard echoing throughout the area

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The spacious halls were deserted and silent, and only the heavy footsteps of the First Lieutenant could be heard echoing throughout the area. He had just left the Honorable Lord's room after a grueling hour of trying to calm him down and cleaning after his messy room.

He suddenly stopped in his tracks and looked up at the high ceiling of the palace.

How will I be able to find that boy? He thought.

The lieutenant knew very well that he was not only trying to calm the Lord down, but he was trying to calm himself too.

He knew very well how the prince thinks, since he was the one who took care of him ever since the prince was thrown into the dungeon by his own father. He knew very well how the prince loathed his father for doing that to him.

The prince had always been a mystery to the lieutenant. Despite being imprisoned his whole life, he never lost his will and resolve to live and seek vengeance. The boy was cunning and clever, and the lieutenant would always get shivers running down his spine whenever his eyes would meet with the mismatched eyes of the prince. The lieutenant would always find himself unconciously drowning in the two-colored eyes of the prince.

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