arc 1: episode ten.

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【o10 : of guns and shadows

【o10 : of guns and shadows】

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It all happened in a quick second. Kina felt her body become limp and her head became dizzy. It was as if her body was being twisted in different ways and nausea hit her hard. Right after the twisting, her body suddenly felt as if it was turned into a thousand specks of dust and being scattered around. She couldn't feel her body anymore and it was as if she was floating on an empty space. She lost her vision and all she could see is the black obsidian space around her.

The next thing she knew, bright light hit her as she found herself sprawled on the upper decks of the ship, a place very different from where she was a second ago. While breathing heavily, she looked at the unpainted gentle clouds that floated above her as she waited for her head to stop spinning.

Shiber came into her blurry vision with a smile and let out a satisfied bark. It was as if he was saying something along the lines of: "First time?"

"Ugh, what the hell did you do?" Kina put her hand on her forehead as she sat up, her head still spinning. "Did we just teleport?"


"I'm sorry, I can't speak bark lingo." Kina turned green in the face. "Hold up-"

She stood and groggily ran towards the edge of the deck and threw up, stumbling along the way and barely making it. It was a few seconds before she held up a thumbs up. "I-I'm fine now."


Kina looked at Shiber as her head stopped spinning and her vision cleared. She took a look around at her new surroundings. She was still on the merchant ship, but this time she was outside on the decks, while Wooyoung was still on the lower decks probably battling the bandits. She could hear the gunshots firing from below. They were muffled and inaudible, but one can still clearly hear that there was a battle happening below. No one seems to be on the upper decks aside from her and Shiber.

"So what should we do now?" She asked Shiber.

All she got as a response was another bark.


As soon as Kina disappeared along the shadows with Shiber, Wooyoung ducked. There was a shower of bullets towards him but he managed to dodge them all. He hid behind a crate and retaliated with his guns. Dual wielding guns is probably the easiest thing he could do-being ambidextrous and all. He managed to hit two from the five people that was inside the room on their legs. Those shots could barely kill them but they would be immobile for a while. They let out harsh grunts and winced from the pain they felt in their legs as they sprawled on the floor. Wooyoung kicked their pistols away-making sure that they wouldn't be able to pick them up again, then he figured out that the other two from the group of seven must be outside.

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