arc 1: episode nine.

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【oo9 : princess and the pirate

【oo9 : princess and the pirate】

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Kina widened her eyes and fumbled, but all she can see is the pitch-black darkness in front of her. She laid on the floor as she struggled to fight the unknown creature that was attacking her.

As her eyes was barely adjusting to her dim surroundings, she could make out a four legged creature that stood on top of her. It was something heavy and had fur. Its red eyes glowed in the dark and its tail wagged back and forth. Kina could feel its claws on her shoulders as it growled in a low tone. She didnt have the courage to move for she didn't know what kind of animal she was facing. Her hands searched for something on the floor that could help her escape, but to no avail, she couldn't find anything.

Something wet and slippery came into contact with her face. She gave a small shriek as she flinched and her hands immediately touched the wet substance that was left on her cheeks.

What the hell was that!? Her mind screamed.

She tried to stand but the creature still continued to pounce on her. She was expecting to be bitten or harmed by whatever means this creature could do. But all it did was wag its tail and let out a low growl.

The wet and slippery thing reached her face once more and she gave out a short scream this this time.

"What the hell-" She wiped the wet substance off her face. Who knows, it could be acid or poison or a substance that could be deadly or-


She froze.

"Woof! Woof!"

She slowly glanced at the creature in front of her. Then looked at her hands that was wet in the darkness. Then she looked back again at the figure in front of her.


It came to her. The fur, the tail that waggled, its red eyes that glowed in the darkness, and the wet sensation that she had on her hands that perhaps is what people would call saliva-

Then she realized what was happening. It was a dog. And it was licking her.

"Shiber! What in the name of Davy Jones are barking for!? I was sleeping here for goodness's sake-"

There were footsteps coming from the far portion of the room. It came from the hammocks and trudged its way towards Kina and stopped in front of her. She could see a figure of a man in front of her but due to the darkness, she couldn't quite see the details.

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