arc 1: episode five.

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【oo5 : merchants and the pauper

【oo5 : merchants and the pauper】

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Sujin saw the leader give out a gesture to one of his men on the opposite side, the men on the foot of the hill that had blocked her way towards safety earlier.

She turned around and saw that a gun has been pointing towards her, held by a black haired tall man. He had a determined look on his face, as if from one small move of the girl, he wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger. It's like as if he wouldn't give a care if he shot a helpless innocent girl without any second chances. She widened her eyes. If she hadn't surrendered, then she could've been dead by a shot to her head right now.

The tall boy put down his gun in accordance to his captain's orders, and kept it inside his belt.

"I thought you were merchants," She said as she eyed the men around her. "But you carry weapons?"

A boy with green hair gave out a small laugh, showing his cute dimples before turning to her. He was one of the three guys who blocked her path to the fortress.

"It's a necessity in our line of work." He said.

The short haired girl raised a brow in suspicion. But only shrugged it off a moment later because she had more important business to attend to.

"But before that," The leader of the bunch with blonde mullet hair said, "Let's make some conditions."

Sujin raised her hand. "Can we make a contract? I need to make sure you guys will keep your word."

The boys gave each other meaningful stares, as if they were trying to communicate without the girl knowing. Then the other black haired guy whom she remembered as one of the boys who had held her back when she was captured shrugged his shoulders and spoke up.

"Well, there's nothing wrong in making a contract anyway." Seonghwa said, "Let's get this done with and get the hell out of here."

The pink haired boy beside him nodded, "Yeah, I miss the sea already-"

He groaned and his hand instinctively went up to grab his side that had just been elbowed by another boy beside him. The girl recognized him as the other man who held her, the one with immense strength.

"Damn, Jongho." Yeosang cursed. "I think I broke a rib."

"Anybody got a piece of parchment?" Their leader spoke, ignoring his injured member as if breaking a rib or two was a daily occurence because of Jongho's elbow.

The green haired man pulled up a piece of parchment along with a slim black piece of wood, in which Sujin perceived as charcoal, from the inside of his leather jacket and gave it to the Hongjoong.

"As expected of our navigator. He's always ready. Thank you, San."

"No worries," The green haired boy, whom she heard had the name San, smiled.

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