“I just thought we could talk.” She said which put me on alert a little bit.

“About?” I asked slowly and she smiled and put a hand on mine.

“I just want to know how you’re doing, how you’re feeling.” She said and I relaxed, this was my mom, not Alexis. I didn’t have to worry so much.

“I’m okay, I’m still a little sick and I’m really emotional.”

“And the stress?” she asked me and I shrugged

“I’m used to stressed out mom, I can handle it.” I may complain but I can do this, there isn’t any other choice anyways.

“Arianna I need you to slow down.” She said worriedly but she didn’t have to be

“I will when this is done.”

“I think you should cut back on your classes.” My mom said and she was already bracing herself for my reaction, which was probably just what she expected

“What? No way, I can’t risk losing my place, I’m already not working, what more do you want from me?” I asked suddenly very annoyed with this situation.

“We’ve been very patient with you but you are my daughter and you need to start being more responsible about this baby, you can’t stress yourself sick and skip meals, you have to be healthy for this baby to be healthy.” She said sternly

“I’m fine. People are pregnant all over the world and have more stress than I have and their babies are just fine.” Look at people in poverty in other countries, I’m pretty sure even stressed out with this that I’m in a better situation than they are.

“I need you to start slowing down and to try to relax.” She was trying to be calm now so I don’t blow up.

Don’t get me wrong, I appreciated the concern and I loved my parents but they needed to just trust that I know what I’m doing and that I am thinking about my baby’s health as well.

“I do relax. We’re going camping this weekend, I take pictures, I hang out with my friends all the time.” I defended, it’s not like I was stressed all the time, just at times it was more than normal.

“Because they all live here.” My mother pointed out

“Alexis doesn’t live her exactly, she’s just always here.” She had her own home, she just didn’t really have parents and home alone all the time isn’t fun. She goes to spend time wither family when they’re actually home.

“And what are your plans for Damon?” My mom asked quietly, it wasn’t a topic my father liked to hear, they were great but my dad wasn’t a big fan of him and I hoped that would change if he chose to be there but I don’t know.

“I was going to tell him tomorrow but I just can’t bring myself to yet, I’ll tell him next Friday so he had the weekend to think about it and decide if he wants to go to my appointment or not.”

“If you don’t tell him by next Friday I’m inviting him and his parents for dinner Saturday and you can explain it to everyone” she said in a tone that meant there was no room for arguments

“Mom!” I complained and she shrugged

“It’s what’s best for my baby. I love you Arianna-Skye, but he needs to know.”

“I love you too mommy, I just hope that if I keep this baby, that I’ll be as good of a mother as you are” I hugged her and she held onto me as I rested my forehead against her shoulder

“I have a feeling you’re going to be an amazing mother.” She whispered in my ear.

“I don’t see how anyone could be more amazing than my mother” and I could feel tears running down my face. She pulled back and looked at me before wiping my eyes, but I could see the tears in her eyes too,

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