[Chapter Fourteen]

Start from the beginning

“I’m just starting week eight.” I said shyly, I felt very shy and uncomfortable right now.

“Are you going off the date of the last time you had unprotected sex?” she asked and I cleared my throat nervously, I know she was my mom but I don’t like having this conversation in front of her, it was better than in front of my dad, but it was still weird.

“It’s the only time I’ve had sex, so I’m pretty sure it was that time that got me pregnant.” I said and she looked at my with sympathy but nodded as she wrote something down.

“We should be able to see the baby with a normal ultrasound, but if not we may have to do a vaginal one, Also it’s not typical to pick up on the heartbeat until you’re about ten weeks, so don’t get your hopes up for that.” 

“That’s okay, we just want to make sure the baby looks healthy.” My mom said as she grabbed my hand and the doctor put a gel on my stomach and moved an instrument around

It took a second but soon she turned the screen and I could see the baby, my baby. It was a little blob on the screen but it was a real baby in my stomach. I looked from my bare stomach to the screen and I gripped my mom’s hand tighter.

My mom was staring at the screen and smiling, she was still disappointed but there was nothing else we could do about it now and so we were all choosing to make the best out of things.

“It looks like a sour patch kid” I said making my mom and the doctor laugh.

“It’s still too early for a heartbeat, but I’ll schedule you for 12 weeks, and we can hear it then” I smiled; I can’t wait to hear my baby’s heartbeat.

“My first grandbaby.” My mom patted my hand and I nodded, this was so freaking weird.

She printed out a couple pictures, one for me one for my parents and one for Alexis, and then handed them to my mom before handing me paper towels to clean the gel off my stomach.

“Everything looks great, I’ll see you in a few weeks.” She told me and we made another appointment before we left.

I was looking at the picture in the car and I couldn’t believe it, it was a terribly picture but it was amazing at the same time. It was the scary but amazing truth and complete confirmation that the home test wasn’t wrong.

Oh my god, I was going to have a baby and I was calm yet terrified.

“That’s my baby, mom” I said in disbelief, logically I knew that this was happening but I had to keep reminding myself that it was real and not just a dream I could wake up from.

“And that’s my grandbaby!” she replied

“I don’t think I can do adoption, mom. I don’t think I could let my baby go.” I whispered, I had in my head that I would give it up for adoption but I really don’t think I can.  

“I didn’t think you would. We can turn the room across from yours into a nursery” Mom suggested and I just nodded along with her not really paying attention to her words as I stared at the picture in my hands.

“You’re okay with me keeping the baby?” I asked her. I knew they were trying to be supportive but I thought that they wouldn’t want me keeping it, it was such a big life decision.

“Of course, Arianna this is your baby and your decision but you should really think about it more over the next few weeks, you might change your mind, this is all new and you need to give real thought into what keeping the baby means for your life.” I knew she was right.

“I promise to think it through but I don’t think I’ll change my mind.” I was trying to be honest with her, I didn’t want her thinking I would give the baby up and be surprised if I didn’t.

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