PSA ( not a chapter )

680 19 3

So Easter is coming up. And I can't stress this enough. STAY HOME! STAYYYY HOOOOME!!

Look I hate Corona as much as the next guy but traveling and being a little bitch and not caring about it just because you're not affected like everyone else is gross and disrespectful as fuck and it's not gonna get better if you keep ignoring your country's restrictions and rules concerning this pandemic.

If y'all keep traveling it can never get better. And it can if we listen to the government, and I know that can be hard because they're suspicious as hell and violently irresponsible sometimes but this isn't about us.

This is about the people that can't protect themselves or that are in a risk group. Do you not realize that 46 000 people have died from this in 4 months? Have you not seen that Italy, the US and Spain are on their knees and completely knocked out from this?

This is serious and needs to be treated as what it is. A fucking pandemic. I'm not saying either that y'all should worry to death, DON'T DO THAT darlings. Just be cautious and respectful of the people that won't be able to just fight it off.

So please. Do not travel this Easter. We will get through this and we'll all take a sigh of relief, and the aftermath of this can be very hard and long and the recovery can be pissy.

But we'll get through it and our lives will go on. But we need to be here NOW, and look for the future when we can.

This is not directed to anyone specific or towards YOU, my readers, at all. I want you to keep it in mind and maybe pass it on to others if you agree with me.

I hope you're all safe and I appreciate you all!

With ALL the love// Toiny Stonk


(Btw I'm sorry I didn't mean to call y'all little bitches. This is more for the general public and my frustration against people that won't take their responsibility in this)

And for the love of god. DON'T HOARD.

Graduating time [ 00.00 ]- StevexTony AUWhere stories live. Discover now