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I yelled as I slammed my fist on the table, making the tiny screwdriver bounce off it as well as the glass and tiny screws.

The tinie tiny screws that I needed to repair the watch again.
I'm not crazy.

I went through 2 years in 7 months when I was 19 in a different decade. That was no dream. I might've thought so, but it can't be.

I know it happened. And they should too. I was poof, gone for 7 months and then magically popped back into my room out of nowhere.

And they still don't believe me.

I don't even know why I wanna go back, of the small memories I have I remember I wanted to exit that world.

This, what I'm doing now, is mania.

It's been 6 years and I still can't shake the experience. I would've believed that it was all a dream if my family didn't tell me I was missing for 7 months.

Leaving them to believe I had been kidnapped or killed, or both.

It's been 6 years and I still can't get Steve Rogers out of my head. And I still don't understand why..something...would bring me back 65 years to meet my soulmate and then make me travel back?

I still have no idea what happened to him after the mission.

Well...I know he died, it makes the most sense. Even if he didn't die in the mission he must be dead now, he should be like...90.

And I know my dad never shut up about him, constantly hinting at me to be like him and act like him. And I started to hate him.

I still wish I got to greet him once he got back..but I was tweaking on the watch and I guess accidentally sent myself back.

It was the right time though. I was slowly erasing myself from my own timeline.

But I still wish I could've talked to Steve.

I'm not a nostalgic person, it's gross. I don't dwell over the past and I don't long for it to come back.

Okay..maybe I do dwell over the past...shit.

Let's say I hate to dwell over it. It's not like I want to think about it, especially think of it as the era I belong in. Because of Steve.

Maybe I don't need to go back?..maybe I shouldn't? No..I hate him.

He died and my father cared more for him than he did for me, even if I MET THEM both when they were young. I hate Steve. I do.

He may be my soulmate, at least he used to, but that doesn't mean I'm immune to hating him. I don't care if he's dead! He ruined my relationship with my dad.

Then again I never really made an effort to be like Steve, maybe that's why my dad became so cold.

Okay I do dwell over the past. Shit.

I let go of the watch and turned around in my swirly-chair.

I laid down on the table and sighed, I've been wasting my life for 6 years trying to return to that place.

Graduating time [ 00.00 ]- StevexTony AUWhere stories live. Discover now