13h 1min

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"You think he's dead?"
Someone mumbled, it's muffled for me. Not because this person was speaking like that, I just wasn't also really wake. I don't even know why there is a person in my room asking me if I'm awake or not.

"Don't know, prolly homeless. Look at them clothes."
Oh, okay sorrY I fell asleep drunk.

"What is that?"
One of the men asks his pal, the other man doesn't answer. But I feel that something was taken out of my hand, and I don't know what. But the feeling makes me open my eyes.

Damn it's bright, I don't usually have the sun on my side of the house in the morning. How is it so damn bright? And my bed feels prickly and hard, am I on the floor?

I mutter as I try to see where I am, it's still too bright but I can see two silhouettes.

"Well, he's not dead. Help him up."
One of the two men grab my arms and help me up, it wasn't 'til now I realize how hard my head was pounding. And now I could finally see stuff around me.

I'm outside, in an alley. I didn't come home last night? Did I just end up sleeping in an alley because I was too drunk to get home?

I look to my side and my eyes met the eyes of the man that had helped me up, he's wearing a whole single-breasted suit and a Panama hat. No one dresses like that anymore...not in the morning at least.

"Had a rough night?"
The man in the Fedora asks me with a chuckle, I remember that I had been drinking and partying with my friends, explaining my pounding head, but I thought I got home. Apparently not.

I got home early, around 9pm..

"W...what time is it?"
I ask, ignoring the man's question.

"6.30, are you okay, sir?"
I shake my head and slither out of the man in the Panama hat's grip, it's kind of cold as well. I look around in the alley and I see Mr. Fedora inspecting the Polaroid I used yesterday to take pictures at the party, It was a shared gift from Rhodey and Pepper.

"What is this?..."
The man mumble and he presses down on one of the buttons, the light flash and the man cocked his head to the side from the brightness. The camera makes the usual sound it makes and prints out a picture of the man.

The man utter in a mix between awe and confusion, he's inspecting the picture intricately. The man in the Panama hat approach his friend and look at the picture as well.

"It's like one of those wonders...what are they called..hmm...are they called canvases?"
They were talking more to each other, even though I would know what they were since I carried one.

"No, no those are paintings. This is one of those cameras, my daughter has taken an interest in photography. But this is loony, cameras don't print pictures."

What are they talking about? Even polaroids are outdated, Rhodey and Pepper got me one because of the aesthetics and the nostalgia. These men aren't even that old don't they know about phones?

Speaking of phones, where's mine?

While I began looking for it around in the alley I spoke to the men.

"That's a Polaroid, don't use it I don't have enough film."
I was moving trash cans and other trash in search of my phone, but nowhere.

Graduating time [ 00.00 ]- StevexTony AUWhere stories live. Discover now