In an instant, All Might was sent back by a force to drop Izuku and Uraraka to the ground. Izuku ran to her with Uraraka being unconscious from the act of nearly having her head crushed. "Going after people my son cares about now, All Might? And here I thought you couldn't stoop any lower."

Izuku looked up to see the only person who can stand against All Might right now

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Izuku looked up to see the only person who can stand against All Might right now. "Dad." Izuku heard some sounds coming from his helmet, indicating it was a respirator for him. "So you're not dead yet. Good." All Might ran over with a heavy punch about to hit AFO. "THIS WOULDN'T BE FUN IF I DIDN'T GET TO KILL YOU MYSELF!" "And what makes you think I will allow you?" AFO sent a massive shockwave at All Might for him to get pushed back a little. This only worked for a moment before he comes back to hit the hero in the gut and send him sliding back. "That the best you got?" AFO's stomach started to look deformed before getting reshaped by a regeneration quirk he had. "Nowhere near."

As the two clashed, Izuku ran to the side with Uraraka and began healing her. "Please work. Please." Izuku started to silently beg it to work with Uraraka's head starting to heal and have her wake up. "Mnn, what happened?" "Oh thank god." Izuku hugged Uraraka with her not understanding what's going on. Their pulled out of the moment however when a bit of wind pressure hits them. "What's going on?" "Dad's fighting All Might." Izuku started to stand up with him giving Uraraka a hand. "Can you stand?" She nods. "Good, take Kaachan and head upstairs to everyone else. His injuries aren't that bad." "What about you." "Mr. Aizawa is still down here. He takes priority." Uraraka puts Bakugou on her back and walks up to the others. While doing this, she looks back at Izuku worried for his safety.

'Ok, lets go.' Izuku ran in keeping to the side of the battle. He began getting close to Aizawa with an attack that sent AFO down in front of him sending him back a little. "GET UP OLD TIMER! This isn't the time to be slacking." AFO got up to show his visor cracked and coughing up a little blood. "Dad." "This isn't a safe place Izuku. Get out of here now while you still can." "I'm not leaving Mr. Aizawa and you alone with this freak of nature here!" AFO looked over to see his young disciple unconscious. "I'll make an opening. Get Shota out of here and don't come back!" He dashed to All Might to punch him in the stomach to send him into the Ruins zone. Izuku took this opportunity to take Aizawa off the field and back to the others. "*wheeze* Why did you come back for me kid? Are you trying to get yourself killed?" "If I left you, how can I call myself a hero in training?" "...Your an idiot like your father. Then again, your the idiot that's saving me." Izuku got Aizawa up to the others before running back to help his father.

As this was going on, All Might was knocked into the Ruins zone of the USJ. AFO started to cough up some blood with his head starting to ring a bit. "Slowing down are we?" All Might gave a shockwave to break the foundries of the building he was in. The suited hero avoided it and came outside to be met with several punches. AFO was managing, but began to get overpowered. All Might hit him in the face to disorient him before letting lose on AFO's stomach. This eventually lead to him being slammed again in the face and fall to the ground. "Get up! I'm not done with you." "GOOD CAUSE I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU EITHER!" Izuku socked All Might in the face to send him sliding a bit away.

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