Chapter 4

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I woke to my phone chiming at 4 in the morning. I decided since I was awake now, I wasn't going to be able to sleep anymore. I tossed and turned until I remembered my Tinder app. I hadn't touched it since I was way too scared.

I opened Tinder and swiped my screen left or right depending on the boys that popped up. Then Jake's did. It was a miracle. I debated whether or not to accept. My head waged a war before I came to my conclusion. I made the move.

I accepted. I closed my eyes for a breath, regretting my entire life. I should've let that one chick on prom night take me. I wouldn't be so desperate for love now... being a virgin really does suck. My phone dings.

You got a match! Say hi!

My entire body melted. Jake accepted me?!

Looks like someone listened to my advice 😉

I tried to slow my breathing. I tried to do something- anything but sit there shaking. I screeched and threw my phone across the room. My roommates head popped up from his bed across mine. "What the hell is up with you?" He asks, groggily. I was shaking.

"Damn, you good, white boy?" He asked, swinging his legs over his bed. "Will, he fucking... fuck... JAKE FUCKING ACCEPTED ME!" I yelled. He blinked. "Of course you got Tinder." He says, lips pursed, eyebrows turned down. "You need to get laid so I can finally sleep." He says.

Because I was either drunk or scrolling through my phone all night, I guess that has something to do with my virginity? Makes absolute 0 sense but I cannot judge. He has girls over all the time. "Premarital sex is bad," I say in defence. He snorts. "The devil claimed my soul since I was 12 then." He tells me.

I gawk at him. "TwElvE?" I say, standing up, blood rushing to my head as I get nauseous. He nods and laughs. "Yep." I grab my phone and see another couple of texts.

We still on for Thursday? Maybe I can take you out on a date 🤔🤷‍♂️ or not...

Cuz I really like you

I'll tell you all the reasons why if you accept a date

I bet I can convince you to submit to my awesomeness

Cuz not only am I charming, but I'm also really funny

I, with shaky hands, hand it to Will. "Tell him something." I squeak. Will sighs and hides the screen from me.

I glare. "Why can't I see?" I ask, a bit sceptical. He smirks. "Don't worry. I'm helping you out big time." It feels like hours when he gives my phone back. "There ya go, sweetie." He jokes. I grab it and read the messages.

I don't know... Why don't you convince me now and we'll see about that date...

Playing hard to get I see...

I think your brilliant, funny, adorable, cute, witty, smart, and you have a cute smile. I dunno, don't blow my composure okay. You can't see me, but I'm blushing.

I don't know yet... 😊

Well, the other things I think of arent appropriate for someone who hasn't even gone on a first date lol

Well, let's see?

Are you trying to make me dirty talk you? Cuz I may warn you, I am excellent at dirty talk.


I didn't know you were so into me 🤣

Or you into me...

Oh I can do that

I blush as I read that again. And again. And again.

You must know, I am fantastic at everything I do. I'm even husband material. No joke.

Well, I guess you can take me out on a date... you're paying 😏

I can definitely do that, cutie pie. I'll see you Thursday for the photoshoot.

I hug the fuck out of Will. "Oh my God, thank you so much!" I say and he just pats my back. "Anytime."

AKA My BoyfriendМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя