Chapter 30

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Jake was following me around. Like an obedient puppy who just wants to be forgiven after pissing on the floor. But in this case, he made out with his ex girlfriend while we were on our honeymoon. It was cut short.

Even though Jake was sorry, I was pissed. He stands by me, not daring to sit down next to me. I am grateful for that as I scroll through Anne's Instagram. She is very pretty, but Jake is supposed to love me, and me only.

"Wow, she's pretty. You think so?" I ask, being rather petty. Jake looks away. "I'm sorry-"

"I asked a question." I say, showing him a picture were she is posing for a magazine in a lacy bra. "She is. Right?" I ask. Jake's lips quivers. It made me feel bad, but I was waiting until he begged me for forgiveness.

"Please, Tom-"

"Oh, come on! She's so pretty that you made out with her on our honeymoon! Don't "Please, Tom-" me! You cheated..." I say. I shut my phone off and toss it away. I curl up a bit and grab my box of chocolates. I have been stress eating ever since.

Jay tried to comfort me, Will, Jacob, and Harrison offered to murder him in a back alley, and Zendaya said things will work out, but I still hurt. It would've been fine if we literally had been married longer and we weren't on our honeymoon. I just felt like he was already bored of me.

"But I love you so much and I'm so sorry. I didn't plan on it, she just started kissing me, I didn't know what to do. I love you and I-"

"Yeah... whatever." I say, still not satisfied.

"I don't like her anymore, please, Tommy, I love you so much. I can't watch you-" He tanks my chocolates away. "-eat like this. It's not healthy. The unhealthy amount of sex is better than gaining weight."

"So you think I look fat." I say, nose scrunched and an eyebrow raised. He gets wide eyed. "No, no no! That's not what I mean! I-"

"Wow, I bet you wish I was skinny like Anne-"

"No! Tom-"

"And I do NOT have an unhealthy amount of sex when I am depressed." I say. He frowns. "You do. I can hear you masturbating because you have no one to fuck you because you wont just forgive me-" I slap his arm and he jumps away. "Ouch!"

"I do not! I do not, you bitch-"

Our door opens and Jay walks in, a tight look on her face. "Sorry... I just thought I should um... save him." She says.

Betrayer. He deserves to be smacked!

Jay grabs Jake and pulls him out into the hall. Zendaya sits me on the couch. "Jake is sorry-"

"He thinks I'm fat." Zendaya narrows her eyes. "He what?!"

She goes out there and Jay is now smacking Jake. "Are. YOU. AN. IDIOT!" She says, hitting him with each word. He nods and covers his head.

"He thinks Tom is fat." Zendaya says.

Their attempts to help were forgotten.

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