Chapter 12

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I was sprinting up the apartment complex stairs since the stupid elevator was slow when Jake warned me to slow down cuz I would get hurt. I fell, smashing my chin on a step. I yelped, blood splattering across one step from my nose.

My shin hit a step as well, hurting like a bitch as I clutched it.

Jake ran to me like flash. "Tom! Baby, are you okay?!" He picked me up, setting me on the stair to look at me.

I didn't want to admit it, but I was bawling my eyes out. He cradled my face, looking at my chin and he swoops down to pick me up. I clutch him tightly and he opens the apartment door, setting me on the kitchen counter. "Tommy, baby, I told you to slow down." He says, hiding his laugh. I shake my head. "Jake..... it's not funny!" I whine.

He grabs a first aid kit. "Come here, baby boy." He says, cupping my face gently, finally getting a paper towel to soak up my blood. He holds it there, kissing my forehead. He cradles me close, his body between my legs, his fingers softly touching my hair. I whimper against him.

Finally, he pulls back. "Poor baby..." He says, kissing my forehead again. I swoon. "Thanks Jakey... I should've listened." I say. He kisses my lips softly. "It's okay, babe. You were having fun." He reminds me. I nod.

He calls me baby so much, Will thinks it's cringey, but I love it. We just met up with Will to have lunch, and we talked about our lives. I kinda miss having him as my roommate. But Jake... He makes me feel better.

Jake lifts my chin to look at the bruise, which is already purple and hurts realllllly bad. I whimper. "You gonna be okay?" He asks. I nod. He gives me puppy dog face, a look of sympathy that makes me hug him.

"What about my photo shoot tomorrow." I ask softly. Jake shrugs. "I don't know. Maybe we cancel." He says. But I want to go... ugh.

He kisses me softly. Then he examines the bruise on my shin, bending down on the floor. He looks up at me before pressing a gentle kiss to it. "Does it feel better now?" I want him to keep kissing me....

"Ummm... right here hurts." I lie, pointing closer towards my thigh. He smirks and runs a hand up my thigh, gripping my hip. He kisses by my knee. "Does it feel better...?" He asks, eyes glittering mischievously. I shake my head.

"R-Right here..." I piont on my thigh and he huffs a laugh. "You just hurt all over, don't you." He says, voice low. He spreads my legs as I shiver and nod. "That's why you should listen..." He says, pressing a kiss to my inner thigh.

I muffle a moan. He smirks before helping me down, a sense of disappointment boils in my gut. He helps me limp towards the couch and he sets me down, grabbing the remote. " What do you want to watch, babe." He asks. I cuddle against his warm chest, my body still throbbing from my fall.

"That one Spider-Man movie with Tobey Maguire." I say. Jake smiles. "I didn't know you like Spider-Man." I nod against him. "I love him, I wanna be him." I say. He chuckles softly, running a hand over my curly hair.

I trace the hair below his belly button with my finger, slowly inching my hand up to his chest.

I'm so glad our jobs permit us to cuddle all day.

AKA My Boyfriendحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن