Chapter 15

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If you want to, skip this chapter, it's gets smutty, but not really, this chapter is a lil bit important.

Jake and I headed home, the two of us tipsy. Jake giggled, dropping his keys. I bend down to get them and he pulls my butt close. I giggle, standing up as he hugs around my torso. He breaths on my neck, softly kissing there as I unlock the door.

We stumble in and Jake slams the door with his foot, cupping my face and pulling me flush against the tent in his boxers. We kick off our shoes, kissing and grinding agaist each other. I moan and hold him to keep from stumbling over into the coffee table. "I love you."

My heart stopped, the giddy feeling in my chest vanishing. "W-what?" I ask. Jake looks completely serious. "I love you..." He says again, looking away from my eyes. "I do." He repeats. He giggles. "God, I love you Thomas Stanley Holland." He says, more confident.

My heart flutters, my stomach churns, and I feel like the world stopped orbiting. Everything around us is still. "Me?" I choke. "Yes you, silly. I love you. I wanna... be with you." He says. He's way too drunk, he can't possibly know what he's talking about.

"I love everything about you. I'm too lazy to name it all, cuz I'm drunk. But I could go on and on for a thousand years about all the things I love about you. Like-" He starts sniffing my hair. "Like how you smell..." He swoops down, pulling my jacket off with his hands, kissing my neck. "And how you taste..."

His hand creeps beneath my pants and he pulls them off with a swift tug. Then he flips my shirt over my head. "And how you make me..." He pauses. "Horny." He giggles. I laugh and bury my face into his shoulder. He pulls back, stripping from his clothes before laying all of out clothes flat on the coffee table.

"Don't want these to get ruined..." He mumbles, before picking me up and holding me against the wall. "Jake..." I tug his hair as he sucks hickeys into my neck. He carries me to the bed, setting me down gently. "I want you... to be mine." He says, a sudden change in his voice. I look at his face and tears sprung to his eyes.

"I am... I am yours."


Jake grips my hips tightly, his eyes squeezed shut as I grind up and down against his groin. What a way to spend your morning after waking up from some really good sex, I mean, Jake is great. I've only had sex twice in my life now, and I kinda wish I had done it more.

Jake let's out a loud moan as he comes, his grip getting harder, leaving white marks on my skin from his hard grip. I fall against him, resting my sore legs., panting coming from the both of us. "You have stamina..." Jake says. "30 years takes a toll on you..."

Wait... 30? I thought he was like 27 or 28! 30?! I shake that thought from my mind and cuddle against him. He rubs my back, kissing my head, shuffling my hair. I don't even care about his age. Suddenly, as I listen to Jake's heart beat, I remember the events of last night.

"You love me." I blush, sitting up. Jake raises a brow. "What?"

"You said you loved me...." I say, slower and more unsure. I wait for Jake to do something, beside stare at me. "Do you?" I ask. He looks at me, before smiling, all his perfect teeth on display.

"Of course I do."

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