Chapter 20

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Jake's POV

"Maggie, I can't watch the girls today! I have... stuff to do..." I try to reason with her. She shook her head. "The only thing you have to do today is fuck on the couch, and honestly, you guys fuck so much, it's unhealthy." She said.

That's how I got here at the park with my nieces. Tom holds the younger girl, Gloria. I am with Ramona who has her two front teeth missing. Tom has never looked more happy in his life, playing with a baby.

His smile was so big as he played peek-a-boo with her. Gloria let out a bunch of cute little giggles. Tom tickled the little baby belly peeking from her tiny shirt and pulled her into a small hug. Gloria was only 1 years old, yet so small.

"Uncle Jake!" Ramona yelled. "Stop staring at your boyfriend~" She sing songed. I blush. "I wasn't staring, sweetie, it's called glancing over for half a second." I say, schooling her. She shrugged. "Whatever." For a 7 year old, she had attitude.

Tom grabbed the picnic basket he packed for us and started getting stuff out. "Looks like it's food time." I say, grabbing her and throwing her over my shoulder. She squeals and laughs and a jog over to Tom who smiles brightly up at me.

"Look who it is! It's uncle Jakey!" He says, enthusiastically clapping his hands and checking to see if Gloria even cares. She doesn't. She just chews on her hand. I laugh and set Ramona down on the blanket. "Alright, sweetie. We have sandwiches. Yours is the one with the strawberry jelly, like I promised." I grab her sandwich bag and hand it to her.

Tom hands me my traditional grape jelly sandwich and he smiles. "You having fun playing baseball?" He asks. Ramona answers for me. "It's so fun, Tommy! Uncle Jake is really good at baseball!" She exclaims, jumping up and down on her knees.

Tom smiles. "He has a good eye, last time I played baseball, I ended up in the ER." He says, shaking his head like it was a funny memory. "My dad tried to make me like sports, but I liked drawing." He explains.

I still haven't even met Tom's family, yet he's my fiance. "Oh, you should meet my parents, Tom." I say, imagining my mom squealing with delight and jumping to hug my dad. Tom smiles wistfully. "I'd love to, but I can't return the favour." He says, sadly, but smiling anyway.

"Oh." I say. Ramona looks between us and started getting a little nervous at our sudden change of attitude. "Hey, Uncle Jake, remember when you fell on the dirt at my last ball game!" She says. Smart kid, changing the subject, cuz it makes Tom laugh.

"Yeah, and you cried because you smashed your face on the home plate!" She giggled, her peanut butter covered grin making her look extra weird. I shook my head. "I refuse to acknowledge that you said that."

"You cried... poor baby." Tom says, eyes glimmering with playfulness, much better than earlier. " Yeah, well, it hurt." I say. In my defence, I broke my nose. "Yeah, I said: there's no crying in baseball!"

I nod along with her statement. "Yeah, well that same day, you scraped your knee and cried when we were getting ice cream." I say. She blushes. "I didn't cry." She says. Tom giggles and snuggles Gloria. "She's so cute..." Tom says. I nod.

I don't really like kids too much, they are so crazy and weird and gross. But Tom loves them.

I glance at his engagement ring and smile. I still can't wait to tell my kids the crazy story of how it happened.

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