Chapter 23

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Tom has been showering for 40 minutes straight. I'm worried about him and I can occasionally hear a sob from the bathroom. That was the worst part. He didn't want my comfort, that scared me. Tom always wanted my comfort.

Like when his clumsy ass falls on the stairs, he wants me to kiss him better. Or when he feels nervous before a photo shoot, he always wants me to hold him. But he was crying all alone in the shower because his parents left him.

I wonder why, who could leave sweet little Tommy like that? Sweet little Tommy who makes breakfast when your tummy hurts, or reads poems from his literature textbook from school when you can't fall asleep, or goes to the store when you run out of dandruff shampoo and don't want to go out in public.

I decide to open the door, just to see if he's okay, and I'm lucky to see he is. He's just sitting on the shower floor, water falling down his body as he curls up on himself, crying. My heart shatters a million times more.

"Tommy..." I hop in the shower, even though I have my clothes on, and cradle his face so he looks at me. "Baby... it's okay... Come on. Let's get you ready for bed." I say, helping him up, turning off the water which is now freezing cold.

Tom sniffles, his naked body pressed to me and I grab his towel and wrap him up in it. "Come on, baby. I want you to rest-"

"It's easy for you... looking out for me. I wish I could take care of myself the way you do..." He says softly. I lead him to the bedroom but before I can go grab clothes for him to wear, he pulls me on top of him.

"I don't wanna sleep. I'm not tired yet." He says. I hold myself up on my elbows so I don't squish him, but I can't help but lean in for a kiss. He moans against my lips, his eyes drooping closed. "Please touch me..." He sighs.

I run my hands down his sides. "You need to be specific, baby. I don't know what you mean..." I say, just to make him a little more impatient. He makes a grumpy face, a dramatic whine coming from his pretty pink lips. "You know where..." He says.

"Show me..." I tell him. I didn't expect him to grab my hand and pull it close to his ass, but he did, and it made my heart skip a beat. "When you fuck me, I forget about everything and just see you... feel you... And I like it better like that..." He says, his eyes still closed.

I look at his sprawled out body, eager for me.

If that's what will make him feel better, than maybe I should do it, and then I won't have to worry about the fact my parents don't know he exists. I still need to get them to meet, damn it, but I push that thought away.


I woke to an empty bed and a completely silent home. "Tommy..." I grumble, rubbing my eyes. Tom was extremely needy last night, and he's young, so having sex for longer periods of time is easier for him than it is for me. But I got too tired to continue and had to beg him to sleep.

I realize nobody is home and jump from my bed, a little bit dizzy, and I run around the apartment. A note sat on the counter. I grabbed it and read over each word carefully.

My phone is on the counter, my house key is with me though. I decided to visit my parents. I feel like it's better if you didn't text me, so I left my phone. I'm so sorry about last night, I was angry and sad. I'm gonna try and fix it.

My heart fractures. Tom didn't even want me to text him? Why?

I call up Will and Jacob and Harrison, my mind racing. Maybe they might know what's going on.

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