Chapter 26

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"It's you, it's you, it's all for you
Everything I do
I tell you all the time
Heaven is a place on earth where you
Tell me all the things you want to do

They say that the world was built for two
Only worth living if somebody is loving you
Baby now you do"

-Video Games by Lana Del Rey

"My parents will literally jump all over me as soon as I walk in, be prepared to get smothered when they find out we're married, they will literally ask you a series of insane questions and I can't save you. Okay?" Jake says, hesitating by the door.

I nod and he knocks. It swings open to reveal a very happy woman with a flower printed apron. "JAAAAKKKKEEEE!" She hugs him tightly and he lets out a breath from the impact. "Ouch, Momma- Ow!" He wheezes. She lets go and he gasps for a breath.

"Who is this?" She asks, and Jake smiles. "My husband, Tom." He says, nervously. She laughs and then makes a very serious face. "Wait... you're serious." She says. Jake nods and puts his arm around me. Married and we've only known each other for 2 and a half months.

"I didn't even know you existed." She says, grabbing my hand and examining my ring. "Jaaaaakkkkkkeeee! Why didnt you tell me! Oh my god, I'm Naomi." She says, hugging me so tightly I have to wiggle to find room to breathe. Jake chuckles nervously and prys her off me.

"He's very little, mom. Youre going to squish him." Jake says, glaring at her. She yells for Jake's dad. He comes in with a big smile. "Jacob!" He also hugs Jake until he cant breath. "This is Jake's husband!"

"Hi, I'm Tom..." I say nervously. His dad smiles. "I'm Stephen. Nice to meet you. You known each other a while?" This is the start of the insane questions. Jake sits me down on the couch and his mom quickly runs over and sits net to me.

"2 and a half months." Jake says for me.

"Who asked."


"How old are you."

"He's 21."

"You are 30."


Stephen's eyes narrow. "Any medical conditions?"

"Clinical depression...? Any others?" Jake asks me. I smile nervously. "I actually have no adult teeth under my premolars. I dont think thats a condition thou-"

Jake grabs my face and opens my mouth and looks in. "Those are baby teeth!? Thats why they're so cute!" He says. I back away from him. "Okay... don't be weird." I say nervously.

Jake makes a cute face at me and I melt inside.

Jake sighs. "Can't you guys trust him. He's so cute... so tiny and adorable and sooo cute!" Jake says, his bottom lip stuck out as he hugs me to him, poking my cheek.

I can't say our day was fun. It was horrible. I was asked all the personal questions I could even think of by Stephen, and Naomi insisted that I eat 23 cookies. So I did and watched my dignity leave as I cried my eyes out and Jake literally begged for his dad to leave me alone because I'm a good person.

So finally we left and I couldn't be more relived after eating my body weight in cookies. Jake sighed, resting his head on the wheel in the car as I shoved my last cookie into my mouth. "I promise, now that thats out of the way, he wont be so questioning-"

"Thats because my entire life story was spilled out. God... that was..." I pause, finding a smile coming onto my face. "Amazing..." I laugh. Jake smiles. "Really..?" He asks, stunned. I clasp his hand. "Yes... I'm so... happy." I say.

I lean up and capture his lips in a soft kiss and he cups my face. "Our honeymoon..." He murmurs against my lips. I nod, "And?" I ask as he presses another kiss to my lips. "And... I was think about where we wanted to go... maybe we could go somewhere. I have a perfect surprise, and I just need you to pick a place."

The funny thing was, I was not used to being Jake's husband. I bolt up, a gasp coming from my lips. "Oh my God!" Jake jumped, getting scared. "What!?" He asked. "My name! My name is Thomas Gyllenhaal!" I say, wiggling excitedly. He chuckles.

"Yeah, baby, it seems so..." He kisses me and we pull into the parking lot of our apartment building. I get out and jump into his arms. "I love you!" I say, nuzzling him. He laughs. "I love you too... God, you are so adorable."

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