Chapter 32

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Brandy's pov.

It was kinda hard not to notice the hundreds of knights marching out of the kingdom. I followed them, knowing about the disappearance of the prince. I was unsure why the King and Queen had refused to tell people about their son's disappearance. It didn't matter though, I was going off to see what was up.

I followed them through the woods until I found the way to the battlefield. I was amazed and horrified as thousands of skull-faced creatures that rose from the ground. Knights charged forward, keeping their swords on hand. I pulled out my small knife and followed them. 

I began to stab as the beasts darted towards me. As knights fell around me, I exchanged my knife for a more proper weapon. 

Each creature was surprisingly strong. The mage must have been insanely powerful. No wonder Prince Jayden was scared of him. 

I pushed through, plunging my blade into more of the undead beast, making my way closer to the mage controlling them. Blood and dead bodies littered the ground. I can't say I've ever been in an actual battle before but I had been in many fights. I knew how to use a weapon, that was just one of the basics of being a thief. I was prepared. 

Kam's pov.

The door swung open, but it wasn't me who opened it. B was at the door and she instead stuck her sword at me. 

"Where are you holding him?" she demanded. 

"Woah, Brandy, he isn't Frost," Jayden said. 

She pushed the door open wider to see Jayden leaning against the wall. She dropped her sword and rushed over and hugged him. I was a little confused, she didn't remember Jayden, did she?

"Where's Frost?" I asked. 

"Not out there," Brandy said, "The knights are celebrating cus the ugly beasts are dead, but I didn't see any dead mage." 

"He's not dead?" Jayden asked. 

"He will be soon," I assured him.  

"What's the plan?" Brandy asked. 

"I'll search the house, stay here with Jayden and keep him safe," I said. 

I didn't want to take Jayden outside yet, I wasn't sure where Frost was hiding. I needed to find him before he found us. 

Brandy nodded and I began to move. I made my way through the house checking anyplace I could. Once I was finished checking the first floor, I started to explore the second.

I wasn't completely sure about Frost's magic powers, but most mages specialize in one or two main categories of magic. Frost appeared to have more magic skill in summoning and fighting magic than teleportation. I doubted he could have gone very far. 

I opened up the door to the bedroom and there I saw him. He was lying on the bed with a giant gash along his chest. He turned over when he heard the door open.

"Oh... It's you," he said, coughing a little as he spoke.  

I held my sword a little closer to my chest. This could easily be a trick. 

"I mean, I guess I've lived long enough, might as well be you ending it," he muttered. 

"You're giving up?" I asked, oddly disappointed. 

"My magic is drained. My body is bleeding out. What do you expect from me?" he asked.

Why was I still talking to him? Why no just drive my blade through his body and be over with it. He didn't deserve to live any longer.

"Tell me something, knight, what is your relationship with Elliot?" he asked.

"What do you mean? I'm his knight."

"Well, you came to fight me all on your own, risking your life. It was kinda stupid, to be honest. Elliot also seemed to have a strange sense of caring for you," Frost said. 

I took a cautious step towards him, and then another. I walked up to his bed and lift my sword over his body. I waited for him to move, but he didn't. He just laid there in defeat. 

"I love him," I said. 

"I thought I did too," he whispered. 

He closed his eyes. He seemed to just be waiting for death to overtake him. I took a deep breath before forcing my sword through his chest. I just stared as the life slowly left his body.


"Long live the Prince!" knights began to chant as Brandy and I helped Jayden walk out of the house. 

Knights were cheering and celebrating as Jayden announced Frost's death.

The celebration continued as we celebrated our victories and thanked the ones that were lost for their sacrifice. We drank, we ate, and then we drank more. Most of us were passed out by the time the stars came out. Jayden was far past drunk and still accepting any drink he was offered. 

"Alright, bedtime," I said.

"Just a couple more drinks," Jayden complained. 

I grabbed his shoulder and pulled him into the tent. He tottered back and forth, threatening to fall over at any time.  

"Go to bed," I said. 

"Stay with me," he said, his voice shaky. 

"I'll be right outside," I told him. 

"Come on, celebrate, bring a drink, we can split it," he said.

"Goodnight," I whispered. 

"Goodnight, Sir Kameron, my savior," he called as I walked out of the tent.  

Brandy was sitting out there, gnawing on a bit of meat. She looked up at me and smiled a little.

"This is some of the best stuff I've ever eaten. This is by far the best beer I've ever drunken," I said, her mouth filled with food. 

"Do you, sorry to ask, but do you remember Jayden?"

She shook her head before saying, "I don't remember it, but he told me the whole story."

"And you believed him?"

"Eh, he knew my name, and he had no reason to lie," she said as she took another bite of the meat. 

"Thanks for coming. I don't know if you knew what you were fighting for or agent, but I know it meant a lot to Jayden that you came," I stated. 

"No problem. You could have told that there would be food provided and I would've been here," she shrugged.

"Jayden's lucky to have a friend like you, and I'm sure if he wasn't so wasted-"

"If he wasn't so wasted he would be thanking you," Brandy interrupted. 

She handed me a glass and we clinked them together. I took a sip and I had to admit that this was some of the best alcohol I've ever had.

"Tomorrow, we head home," Brandy said. 

"To the kingdom!" I said.

"To the kingdom!" an echo of knights cheered as we all took a sip. 

A/N: yes, it is short, but this was a nice place to end, so... yeah. I hope you guys are doing alright with all this virus stuff going on. It's only week two of online school and I'm already dying to go back. Hope you guys are doing better than me. Have a great day and keep being your amazing you!   

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