Chapter 1

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Jayden's pov.

Welcome to Scalveria, where half the kids are in caring homes and the other half live in the cold. I fall into the latter half, though at the age of 17, I wouldn't call myself a kid anymore. I've worked hard to survive in this unfair world. I've stolen, I've run from the castle guards, I've even got into some fights. I'll do anything it takes to survive. I have to because once I'm 18, I'm gonna leave this hell hole to travel to Brachage.

Brachage is where my parents went after they abandoned me. They told me that if I find them when I'm 18, they will explain why they left me here. I'd like to hear whatever stupid answer they have to say. I don't know why I was so determined to find them, I mean they did leave me, but I feel a drive to be connected to them once again.

"Hey, Jayden, did you hear the news yesterday?"

I turned around to see my friend Brandy standing there. She had long blond hair, light skin, and dark brown eyes. There was a smile on her face, leading me to believe it was good news.

Brandy was another kid like me, just living on the streets. We had been working together for the past few months. She was the brain and I was the brawn.

"Nah, what did it say?" I asked.

"So you know how King Stephen doesn't have any kids?" She asked.

"Yeah, didn't he kill his first two wives cus he thought it was their fault?" I checked.

"Yeah, but it turns out that he was just cursed by old Parker Witchit," Brandy said.

Parker Witchit used to be the castle mage. Then the king found out that Witchit cursed him and tried to have him hanged. Witchit was too good of a mage to be killed by a simple rope. He escaped and we haven't seen him since.

"Anyway, because the king doesn't have any kids, his wife and a couple of guards are coming into town to pick out a kid to adopt," Brandy said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, they are looking for a strong street kid with a level head. They are having auditions as though this is a show. I was thinking we could watch, I have a feeling it will just be a bunch of rich kids in rags pretending to be poor so that they can be even richer kids," Brandy predicted.

She was right, if I was a parent and I heard this news, I would just see a chance to get ahead. After all, whosever kid the king chooses, that family is probably gonna get some street credit, and a couple of extra dollars in their pocket.

"Sounds like there will be plenty of people to mug," I said.

"Either that or an interesting show," Brandy said.

It didn't matter, this was a thing I wanted to see.


I woke up early to get a good seat. I shook Brandy awake and the two of us went off. The sun was barely in the sky, meaning almost no one was out. The auditions were going to be held in the town square.  Brandy and I arrived to see that people were already lined up either to watch or perform. The Queen wasn't anywhere to be seen, but there were a few knights around.

"Up there," Brandy said, pointing to the roof of one of the houses.

I nodded my head and we climbed up to get a better view. We could see a lot better from up here. I had completely forgotten about breakfast, but I wasn't that hungry anyway.

It was a cold morning and Brandy and I huddled together for warmth. More and more people began to show up, but still no sign of the queen.

"What time is this supposed to start?" I asked Brandy.

It Was Just For Fun (BoyXBoy)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant