Chapter 23

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Jayden's pov.

Two horses, three people, and a complicated relationship. We all agreed that I would be the one sitting on the back of a horse since I was the worst rider, but which horse would it be. Kam's, the man I had kissed, or Verity's, the women I was engaged to.

"Jayden, just make up your mind, we need to get doing," Kam said.

In the end, I got on with Verity. Not because of Verity, but because she was riding Chestnut, my horse.

We rode back to Scalveria. Kam and I hanging out at night and riding in the daylight.

We rode into the kingdom in triumph as we had completed our mission. We brought Veroty to the king who offered her a room for the night and a carriage ride back to her kingdom in the morning.

"Good work you two," King Stephan said once Verity had left.

"What's our next mission?" I asked, eager to get some more alone time with Kam.

"Next mission? No, for the next few weeks you will stay here, there is much you need to learn before you can become king. Sir Kameron, until Jayden has been properly taught, you will resume your post in the village."

"Yes, Sire," he said.

I looked at him stunned as I processed what was happening. Kam and I just got together and now we were being separated.

"Alright, you two are dismissed. Jayden, I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast," the king said before Kam and I walked out.

We began to walk back to my room side by side.

"I don't want you to leave," I said.

"I know, but it's only for a few weeks and I'll just be in town," Kam replied, "If you really need me, I won't be that far away."

"I'll still miss you," I said.

The two of us entered my room, locking the door behind us.

"And I will miss you," Kam whispered.

He kissed me lightly on the forehead making my body crave more.

There was a knock on the door and Kam went to answer it. Copper walked in holding a plate of lunch meat.

"Oh, sorry sir Kameron, I didn't realize you were still here, I would have brought more," Copper said as he but down the plate.

"No worries, I won't stay for much longer," Kam said.

Copper turned his attention to me before saying, "The queen requested that you eat dinner with her tonight in the dining room."

"Does that mean that I have to go?" I asked, not looking forward to talking with Queen Amelia any time soon.

"It wouldn't be wise to say no," Copper said.

"Guess I'll be there," I said with a shrug.

"I'll inform her majesty of your response," Copper stated before turning on his heel and leaving.

"Are you sure you don't wanna stay a little while longer?" I asked Kam.

"What I like to do and what I should do are two different things," Kam replied.

"Kiss me once more before you leave," I said.

"Nothing would make me happier," Kam said as he locked our lips together.

The kiss was short, nothing special, though it still made me feel like on was on top of the world. When it was over, I watch Kam leave. Even after the door was shut behind him, I still stared at the door hoping be would come back in.

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