Chapter 26

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A/N: I don't know if there is a trigger warning for romantic tension, but if there is then it would be here. No smut I promise, just passionate kissing if you're bothered by that. 

Jayden's pov.

Two weeks... I had two weeks left before I had to go back to Frost. I was done crying over what I knew would eventually happen. Frost always wins, I shouldn't have forgotten that. I had two weeks and I was going to enjoy them.

I had a list of things to do before I left. 

1. Hang out with Kam

2. Say hi to Brandy, even if she doesn't remember me

3. Write everyone a letter about why I have to leave

It was a short list, but that way I could get everything I wanted to do done. I had already started on the letters. I wrote one to the king and queen, another one to Copper, and I was almost done with Verity's. Kam's would be the hardest, that's why I was pushing it off to last. 

Speaking of Kam, ever since he saw the letter, he's been hovering around me. He lends me words of comfort, telling me that he is working on a plan to keep me safe. I tried to tell him to forget about it, but he wouldn't let it go. I know what I have to do, and I'm not scared... well, that's a lie, but there isn't anything that I can do about it. I just want to keep him safe. I remembered the last time Kam tried to save me, Frost was too powerful for him, for both of us. Like I said before, Frost always wins. 

Kam's pov.

I had a plan, well, half a plan. I would do whatever it took to keep Jayden safe. No more messing up. It was time to step up and protect him, no matter what the cost. After all, I was his personal knight.

"I have a plan," I whispered in his ear as I got off the bed. We had been there for almost an hour, just holding each other as we watched the sunset. 

"Kam..." he started.

 "It will work, I promise, it has to. I need to go out, I'll be back in three days, promise you won't leave, okay," I said. 

"Kam what are you doing? You can't beat Frost," Jayden said as he stood.

"Just trust me," I told him.

"And if this doesn't work, you'll let me leave, okay?" Jayden said. 

"I can't let you go," I admitted.

"I can't let you risk your life for mine. This is my problem. You shouldn't have anything to do with this," he stated. 

"Your wrong, this has everything to do with me. I can't just let you go, I need you, Jayden."

We just stared at each other. 

"I won't leave without saying goodbye," he promised. He got up on his tiptoes and kissed my cheek, making me blush. 

"I'll be back before you know it," I whispered. 

I brushed his hair out of his eyes before kissing his forehead. I began to walk out when I heard Jayden's voice. 

"You're leaving for three days and all I get in a peck on the forehead?" Jayden asked smugly. I turned around to see his sweet sneaky smile.

 I couldn't help myself, I rushed over to him and picked him up into my arms. I allowed our mouths to interlock until I couldn't tell whose tongue belonged to who. I pulled him closer and closer to me, feeling his warm skin on mine. He grabbed my shoulders and guided me over to his bed. We flopped down and I quickly climbed back over to him, kissing his neck, only stopping when he pulled my shirt off. 

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