"I am scared of being hurt again! I know I could stay away from him, we have come back from hell and we can make anything we want come true but I don't want to feel the same pain again! Aunt Leah was right... With Daniel things are more complete because of the circumstances and this is more terrifying for me, it will be worse or at least this is what I think so. I know I have done my mistakes, I still do but maybe I want to listen to some things he is not telling me and this is keeping me back." I explain and this time she seems to understand my hesitations.

She stiffens a bit and for a while she is silent, she is thinking over and over again what I just told her and after some seconds she clears her throat and I take a deep breath.

"I understand, I am not saying you are wrong for feeling this way and you know it very well! I also feel the difference compared to our bond and relationship with Gray but fear is taking us nowhere! We became who we are because we stopped being scared, we won our fears, we won even the death itself and I assure you that we can win anything else! And as for the things you want to listen from him..." She says and pauses exhaling heavily.


"We are not ready yet Diana! And I am not talking only about you and me but for Daniel and Devon as well! The four of us need more time in order to be in condition to deal with words that have so heavy meaning... I know what you want to hear but... You won't accept or believe it yet. He is showing it but look at you... You are still resisting way too much and both of you are suffering!" she says making me sit up again holding back a sob that wants to come out of me instinctually.


This hurts way too much!

"I don't know what I want anymore. You are right, I am never pleased!" I whisper getting more emotional than I should and she softens her expression in my mind even more in sympathy.

"This phrase is the last thing he is going to tell you once he runs out of any other way of showing you his feelings and intentions... Mark my words because I have a feeling. In the end he is going to say it clearly because only then we will be ready!" she says and I stand up carefully in order to make no noise and wake up Daniel that is sleeping peacefully as I can see.

I walk to the balcony door and open it slowly. I get out and my bare feet touch the cold marbled floor making my entire body shiver and I take a deep breath doing my best not to cry. I am overwhelmed again and I don't know how to release all this tension and pressured feelings.

Am I so crazy or this is logical considering the situation I am in with Daniel?

And Destiny says that I have to wait probably a lot in order to listen to the phrase I want coming out of Daniel's lips...

I love you!

This is all I want to hear but... I don't know anymore!

I walk to the small couch there is and sit comfortably leaving my head fall back and my eyes land on the sky. There are no stars tonight and the moon is not full with any sign of clouds near us. The forest is peaceful tonight, only some cicadas are making a discreet noise and they are probably from around the small lake there is at the garden. The swans, the ducks and the geese are extremely calm for such a lovely night and I have to say I love the whole atmosphere, it's just what I need!

I take some deep breaths and close my eyes in a try to clear my mind from all these frustrating thoughts and I relax my body's muscles. I stay like this for some time and Destiny lets out a low whisper of relief.

I need to stop over thinking so much, sometimes it doesn't help, it makes things worse!

I remember Daniel's favorite quote from Shakespeare...

His Rejected 'Queen'.Where stories live. Discover now