
673 44 10

28th May, 1940

His breath quickened, chest tightening. He didn't know what to do.

"No... No!" He sank to the ground, his hands still over his face. "Make it stop. This isn't happening..." he didn't want to look back up, because he knew it wouldn't have disappeared.

But he looked up anyway, he couldn't stop himself.

It was still the same.

Come on Tony... Pull yourself together.

Standing up, he slowly approached the house. Treading over the weeds that had seeped through the path.

The boy's first idea was to look through the window. So that's what he did.

But it was hopeless, he couldn't see anything for the cracks in the glass that were only visible from up close. The thick dust on the windows didn't help either.

"What the fuck... What the Fuck?!" His voice raised higher.

Stay calm. Calm down.

The only option from here was to go inside. That's if the door was unlocked, of course.

Which it was. The door creaked as it opened.

"Steve? Sarah?!" Tony looked around him. It was worse than he thought. "Stevie?"

There were the same two pairs of shoes in the shoe rack that there always were. Two coats were hung on the coat rack too. But everything was covered in dust.

Taking a few steps into the living room, it's wasn't much better. Everything was in the same place as it usually was, every the radio on the table!

But so, so dusty.

"Yeah, like I said, my mom doesn't like much clutter." He recalled Steve saying.

The same mirror on the wall, same brown rug on the carpet.

He didn't even want to check in the kitchen.

"Steve...?" He asked once again, voice sounding much more hoarse this time. As if he was scared (which he was.)

"Steve, baby, I'm so sorry for running away! I shouldn't have." Turning back towards the stairs, he continued. "I know you were only trying to protect me, Steve."

Not to Tony's surprise, no reply came. But he kept calling out, not giving up hope.

The stairs creaked as the boy slowly climbed them.

"If you're here... Please come out. I- I just want to talk!"

He was so desperate to turn around and see Steve. His blue eyes shining as he smiled. And his blonde hair. His black boots...

He closed his eyes, hand on the doorknob of Steve's room. Walking in, his eyes remained shut.

What if he's stone cold dead on the ground! Oh God, it would be all my fault!

But that wasn't the case. Nothing like it at all.

His room was the exact same also. The desk still has the radio on top, the blue sheets on the bed.

"Hey." Tony jumped and turned, faster than ever before.

"Steve. Wh- what." Steve approached him, placing his finger on the confused boys lips. He was scared, very scared.

"Shh." He soothed.

Tony leant away. "No. No, what is this? Is this some sort of joke, Steve Rogers?!" He was getting angry.

"Tony, please don't be angry." It was like he didn't know what Tony was on about. "I'm sorry for rejecting you like that yesterday. I was such a... A jerk."

"I- It's okay." He couldn't keep angry at the blonde. It wasn't his fault. "It wasn't your fault... I shouldn't have just kissed you like that."

Steve took a hold of Tony's hand and lead him closer to the radio. He flicked the switches on, a slow song begging to fill the room.

All of Tony's confusion had melted away as Steve placed his hands on the boys hips, making eye contact.

The other didn't want to move. He just let Steve guide him as he was overcome with bliss.

They began to slowly sway from side to side in unison, remaining a sharp eye contact.

"I want you, Tony." Steve whispered. Tony was lost for words. "Don't worry, you don't have to say... A thing." He leaned closer, Tony could feel the blonde's breath on his neck.

Their lips joined together, Steve's hand making its way up to cup Tony's cheek in his hands.

Tony couldn't move, he couldn't speak.

He just wanted this to last forever.

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