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28th May, 1940

"I'm sorry, Dad." Tony cried.

"Hey, it's alright, kid." He patted his back comfortingly. "Don't cry..."

His heart broke for the teen in front of him. He hated seeing his boy cry, especially over something like this.

"Are you not mad? Am I n-not in big t-trouble?" He pulled away from Howard, wiping the tears from his cheeks and sniffing.

"Of course not!" Howard chuckled. "You can't help it if you like a boy."

"R-Really? But I-it's illegal."

Howard sighed. "Indeed it is" he looked down. "Which is why, you have to be very careful, kid... Wait, did he return the gesture?"

"Yeah." Tony slowly nodded.

"Then why are you so upset? Isn't that a good thing...?"

"He said that... That we could never be together. That it's too dangerous and it could hurt us."

"Oh kid, I'm sorry." He rubbed his arm. "But look at it this way, he obviously cares about you. If he said that it's because he wanted to keep you safe."

"Yeah... But I've ruined our friendship, what we had. It made me s-so happy." His voice started to shake.

"I know it did. That's why you need to speak to him. You need to talk about what happened."

"But I ran away, what if he hates me."

"Tony, I can swear that he will not hate you." Howard smiled. "So you know where he lives?"

"I- Yes, yes I do... And you're right, I do need to talk to him."

"I know I am." They both laughed. "Now, do you need a ride?"

"If you don't mind."

"Course not, come on." The man rushed to his feet. "Race you to the car!" Tony dan after him.

"No, I'm faster!" They laughed, running down the corridor.

Halfway down, the two saw the door fly open. They stopped in their tracks.

"Oh my God, Tony." Jarvis sighed in relief, as he rushed through the door. "Are you okay?"

Tony ran up to the man and and emraced him in a quick hug.

"Sorry Jarvis, no time to stop." He and Howard carries on moving. "Wait, do you have the car keys?"

"Here, I'll drive." Jarvis slammed the door behind them.

All three of them ran to the black car, Jarvis having no idea what was going on.

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