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26th May, 1940

It was the weekend.

But Tony didn't care. He couldn't stop thinking about what he saw yesterday.

He and Pepper were walking out of the graveyard, when Pepper pointed out a strange looking gravestone.

Well, it looked normal from a distance. The cobblestone grave blended in. Until you got close.

It seemed to have once had names on there, but they had been eroded. Scratched out.

At the time, Tony had been too hysterical to care that much. But now he couldn't stop thinking about it.

"Do you want to invite any of your friends over, Tones?" Howard asked, sitting next to the boy on the sofa.

"Not really." The man just nodded, pretending to be focused on the TV.

"You sill haven't told me why you were upset when you got home yesterday..." Tony didn't reply, causing Howard to sigh. "Tony, please talk to me..."

"I went to see mom." This time Howard didn't respond. "I didn't take it very well."

"Who did you go with?"


"Who's Pepper?" He turned to look at Tony.

"A girl I had to show around school."

"That was nice of her to go with you..."

"Yeah, I guess."

Tony knew his father well enough to know what he was going to say next.

"How about you invite her round? She has a phone, correct?" He casually turned his attention back to the TV.

"And that's where I leave." Tony stood up. Howard smirked. He eventually got up and followed him.

"Aw, Tony!" He chuckled. "I'm only teasing..."

"Not funny, Dad." He shook his head. "Where are my shoes?"

"Where are you going?" He smirked even harder.

"Away from you." Tony tried not to laugh.

"At least let me drive you..."

"Nope." He gave in, giving a smile back.

"Go on..."

"Bye Dad!" He jogged to the front door, smile on his face still.

I wonder if Steve will be at the Diner?

Hole in my Heart - Stony Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now