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25th May, 1940

Tony left Fury's office in a foul mood. He didn't know what it was like to lose a mother. His parents were still alive!

All he wanted to to was leave, but that wasn't an option. It would hurt his father who was already going through enough.

Maybe I should talk to Pepper...

Tony didn't see Pepper again until recess, where she was stood on her own next to her locker. She didn't notice the boy.

"Pepper?" He asked, causing her to jump, immediately turning around.

"God, you scared me then Tony..." She looked up and saw Ton's face. He had clearly been crying. "Woah, what's wrong?"

The girl shut her locker without a thought and walked forward.

"Fury. He thinks he knows what it's like to loose a mother..."

"Oh, Tony." She frowned, not knowing what else to say.

"I'm sorry... I'm probably putting you in a morbid mood."

"Not at all." Pepper assured him. "Where is your mother buried?"

"The graveyard at the other end of the city." He sighed.

"How about we get a train down there later? Would that cheer you up?"

"Yeah, a lot."

"Good. But for now, how about you introduce me to some of your friends?"



The two teens had got the train at aroun 3:15. It was now 3:45 and they had just got off.

"You got the flowers?" Pepper asked.

"Yes." He traced the pettles of the roses with his fingertips.

Luckily the graveyard was only around the corner, so it wasn't too much of a long walk.

But the walk through the entrance seemed familiar to Tony. It reminded him of walking with Steve, around the first time they met.

And when he went to Steve's house afterwards, and he met Sarah.

I wonder what Steve is doing...?

"Is this it?" Pepper's voice pulled Tony from his thoughts.

"Yes, that is it." The two stood in front of it, Tony still holding the red roses close.

He tried not to cry, he had already acted weak enough today.

"Are you alright?" She wrapped an arm around him, comfortingly. He didn't reply "Hey, it's alright..."

'Hey... Hey it's-' Steve said that last time I was here.

He shook his thoughts away and knelt down infront. But Pepper didn't follow.

"Don't leave..." He turned and saw her still standing.

"I won't, I'll just give you some space." She said softly. "I'll just be over here..."

This all seemed so familiar. This too happened when he was with Steve.

He placed down the roses.

"Mom, this is so... Weird." Tony held his head in his hands. "Why are they acting the same?"

And when he didn't get an answer, tears came to his eyes. It was hard for him to accept reality.

"Nothing makes sense since you left."

He grabbed the sides of the headstone with two hands, leaning his head forward so it touched the marble.

"Why did you go?" The tears came faster. "W-why...?"

Footsteps were heard faintly in the distance. It seemed like they were running towards him.

But the only thing he could think about was his mother.

"Shhhhhhh..." A girls voice comforted.

He didn't care.

He just wanted his mother back.

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