
659 36 1

27th May, 1940

The tears still ran down his face, the rain also still pouring. He checked his watch, revealing that the time was now 9:55pm.

The last thing on the boys mind was that he was going to be in so much trouble from Howard and Jarvis. They would be so worried about him.

But he didn't care.

He walked down the street that Pepper lived on. She'd said that she lived in a block of apartments, so that's where he was heading.

When he got to the floor he thought he remembered, he stood outside of the door, trying to dry his eyes and sort himself out.

He was interrupted by a worried Pepper opening the door.

"Oh my God! Tony. Come inside, fast!" He didn't look up, just walked forward. She slammed the door shut before pulling him into what he guessed was the living room. She felt his hands. "Tony, you're freezing!"

"I know." He stood in the middle of the living room, shivering. Pepper's apartment was massive.

"What happened?" She asked in concern, throwing two logs onto the fire.

He didn't respond.

"Tony." She sighed, quickly turning before striking a match.


"Come over here..." she stood, leading him to the fire, grabbing a few cushions from the sofa and laying them in front.

Tony sat down, gazing into the fire. He was still shivering, but was calming down.

The boy tried not to think about what had happened, knowing he would cry again. But it was difficult when Pepper kept asking.

"You can tell me, Tony..." she sighed. When he didn't respond she gave up. "'I'll go and get you a blanket."

He heard her footsteps get further and further away, but didn't look. He still gazed at the fire. The flames glistening.

And he cried again.

"I got two, I think my dad stole the thir-" she stopped when she heard the sobs, rushing to his side.

Laying one blanket over his lap and the other over his shoulders, she rubbed his back. Letting him cry into his hands.

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