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23rd May, 1940

Tony sat in his lab, staring out of the window. He was biting his nails again, staring at the dark green trees that swayed in the wind.

He had to set off to school in around ten minutes, but had no motivation to move whatsoever.

"Tony?" He heard Jarvis call from behind the door. "You in there buddy?"

Tony wondered if he should reply, not knowing if he was even in the mood to speak to anyone.

"Yeah..." he sighed. The door freaked open.

"Want a ride to school?" Tony turned around. "I'll take you in the new car. Gary polished it last night."


"What's up?" He put his hand on Tony's shoulder.

"Nothing. How about that ride?" Jarvis nodded at him with a proud smile.

"Of course, follow me."

Tony couldn't refuse Jarvis' offer. He tried his best to keep the boy happy, Tony had to give something back.

"Where's my Dad?" He swung his backpack over his shoulders.

"On a trip to Brooklyn for the day." Tony looked to his feet, trying not to show his reaction.

"Ah, right."

"I'm sorry kid. He'll be back at about 5pm." He patted Tony's shoulders again. "I'm sure he'll take you to the movies if you ask him."

"He'll probably be stressed."

I don't want the movies. I just want my dad to be like other dad's.

When Tony arrived at school, he said bye to Jarvis and walked through the Teachers car park to the main steps.

To his surprise, Nat, Rhodey, Bruce, Wanda, Clint and Pietro were all waiting there for him.

Once again, Clint noticed him first.

"Hey, Hey Tony!" He yelled, turning away from the conversation.

Tony could hear Nat telling him not to shout and the boy couldn't help but smile. A genuine smile. A smile that he usually only expresses when he's with Steve.


"Tony, how have you been?" He was cut from his thoughts by Rhodey, as he reached the top of the steps.

"You only saw him yesterday." Joked Wanda, smirking.

"I've been fine." Would have been better if Steve was at the diner.

"Hello people." A voice proclaimed from behind them. Everyone turned in sync to see who it was.

It was the new kid.

"Thor!" Bruce said. "And Loki..."

"Charming." Loki said, walking away.

The group headed inside and towards the canteen. Tony stayed to the back of his friends, not feeling up to joining in with their conversation.

"Hey Tony." A female voice whispered.

"Huh?" He spotted Natasha. "Oh, hey Nat."

"How have you actually been?"


"I'm not stupid, Tony." She took his hand gently. "Do you want to talk? You don't have to, all you need to know is that I'm here for you. And so is everyone else infront."

"Nat..." he smiled, happy that she cared. "I'm fine, honestly."

"Okay," she nodded in defeat. "But we do care, Tony."

"I know."

Hole in my Heart - Stony Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now