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20th May, 1940

Tony had fallen asleep lay on the grassy hill next to the river. This often happened, so when he woke up and realised that he had been sleeping for almost two hours, he wasn't surprised.

The setting was so pleasant and isolated. He loved it. The river was down a small slope, not too far away from the trees. He loved sitting on the grass, watching the water softly hit the rocks.

But as his stomach began to rumble over and over again, he knew he had to get something to eat. He hadn't eaten in 24 hours.

So he grabbed his backpack, standing up. He wiped any grass that had stuck to his beige pants onto the ground once again, beginning to walk to his favourite diner.

When he opened the doors to the diner, he saw the usual customers all sat around the bar. Apart from them, the cafe seemed empty. The 5 bikers all turned around to see who had entered, before smiling.

"Hey! Tony!" One of them stood up. Tony wasn't that good at names. "How have you been, man?"

"Alright." The man had got off his stool and embraced Tony in a hug, patting his back. The bikers all knew that Tony was basically famous, but they treated him like a normal person, which not many people did.

"What do you want to drink?" He pulled away.

"Coffee, if you don't mind."

"Not a problem." He turned back "one coffee please. You know how he likes it, Johnny."

"Thanks Johnny" Tony muttered, looking down.

"What's wrong, man?" The biker asked

"Yeah, why weren't you in school?" Another one asked.

"Wasn't feeling it." Johnny was stirring his coffee.

"Don't drop out kid, or maybe you'll end up like us." The original man joked. Everyone laughed, including Tony.

"One coffee." Johnny said, handing it to the brunette.

"What would be so bad about that?" He joked back, begging to walk away. "Oh and Thanks Johnny."

Tony walked towards the back corner of the diner, to his usual booth. Nobody else ever sat there, it was known as Tony's space. It was also out of sight from Johnny or the bikers, so he was alone. This was his second favourite place.

He walked towards his booth in silence, looking down to the ground. A part of him regretted leaving school. Howard's disappointment was all he could think about.

"Troubles with school?" Tony almost jumped out of his skin. He lifted his head up, noticing a Blonde boy sat in his booth. He had never been more confused. "Take a seat."

"Who are you? Didn't Johnny tell you this was my booth only?" Tony remained stood up, coffee in his hand.

"No, he didn't." There was a pause. "Are you going to sit down or what?"

"Fine" The boy slid in at the opposite side to the strange Blonde boy. "Who are you?"

"Woah, we met like... Two seconds ago." He sounded a lot more sweeter now.

"Yeah and you're not going to move out of my booth so may as well make conversation."

"Fine then, lets start with you." He cleared his throat. "Who are you?"

Tony just laughed. Everyone knew him. Everyone who was anyone knew who he was.

"You have to be kidding..." The boy stayed silent, waiting for a response. Tony rolled his eyes and sighed. "Tony Stark."

"You were on my newspaper the other day!" Tony just laughed. This guy must be joking. "I thought you looked familiar."

"Anyway..." Tony shook his head. "I asked first, who are you? And why are you in my booth?"

"Fine." He sighed. "I'm Steve Rogers."

"And how come I've never seen you here before, Steve Rogers?"

"I'm not from around here." He shrugged. "I'm from Brooklyn. We moved here around 5 months ago."

"Who is we?"

"Me and my mother, Sarah. We moved because... Well, my father died. Around a year ago." He looked down to his hands. "He was in the army, and so was shipped off to war early. He was shot down pretty quickly."

Tony stopped what he was thinking. One of this guys parents also died? Around the same time as his mother. Tony looked up to see Steve looking miserable.

Should I tell him about my mom?

"I know how it feels..." He looked up. "My mother died. Cancer. She smoked to help herself cope. But it got the better of her."

"It sucks, doesn't it?"

"Yeah, it does." Tony sighed.

He had known this 'Steve' guy for a total of 3 minutes, and had already told him about his mom's death. He just seemed so easy to talk to, especially since he could relate.

"Anyway, Tony Stark. Tell me more about yourself."

"Well... I'm 17, almost 18. And my dad is a billionaire."

"Lucky for some."

"It's not as great as it seems to be. I hate being famous, I hate the publicity." Tony sighed.

"To be honest, I don't think I'd enjoy it either."

"Nope..." There was another short pause.

"I heard you say something to those guys about school?"

"Yeah. I skipped, didn't feel great." Steve frowned, staring at Tony. "Where do you go to school?"

"I used to go to... Somewhere outa town, but since moving here, my... Auntie is homeschooling me."

"Lucky, my dad says I need the fresh air."

"Yeah, lucky I guess." Steve shrugged.

Steve glanced at the clock on the wall next to them, realising the time. His eyes widened.

"Alright, Steve?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to leave now..." Tony hated to admit it, but he was disappointed.

"Do you have a telephone number?"

"Uhhh.... No. We can't afford to have it fitted."

"Oh right, I'll see you around?"

"Yeah... Hopefully." The blonde smiled, grabbing his coat and basically running outside.

Tony had to take a minute to process what just happened.

Who did I just speak to?

Infact, who did I just load most of my problems onto?

He leaned over the table to the window, to see if he could see the 'Steve Rogers' boy. But there was no sign of him. He'd probably just walked the other way.

That was the strangest 15 minutes of Tony's life...

(A/N - Hey! Update 2 here ❤️


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