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25th May, 1940.

He found Steve sat in their booth once again.

"Hey Tony, I didn't see you yesterday."

"We're you looking for me?" Tony asked in confusion, sliding into the seat with his coffee in his left hand.

"No, I am just very observant."

"Sure." Tony smirked.

"So how are you feeling?"

"Well, we went to see my mom yesterday." He sighed, still feeling upset over that. "It was hard, but I did it."


"Me and Pepper."


"Pepper Potts, I had to show her around school." Tony informed him, getting a casual not back in response. "Anyway, while we were there, Pepper told me that she came across a grave that looked... It looked like the words had been scraped off the front of it?"

Steve went pale.

"What is it?"

"Oh, nothing. It just sounds like a creepy... Ghost story or something. I'd hate to get in one of those." He looked panicked.

"Me too."

"Did you see the grave?"

"No I was too busy crying."

"Oh. None of it?"

"Nope, why?" He was confused.

"Just interested." He rushed. "So how was school?"

"Shit." He folded his arms.

"What? Why?"

"Fury is onto me about my attendance." He frowned.

"How bad is it?"

"Like below 70% or something" Steve's eyes widened.

"Shit Tony... That's bad." He shook his head. "What's he gonna so about it?"

"He's got me a 'therapist'."

"Therapist?" Steve's eyes widened.

"Yeah." Tony sighed. "But to be honest, I wanna just forget about school for now..."

"Good idea." He had calmed down now.

"Have you done any more drawings?"

"Oh, yeah I have actually."

"Can I see?" Tony took a final sip of his coffee.

"Yeah, but they're at my house. So if you want to see them, we'll have to go on that long, boring walk again..."

"I don't mind."


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