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27th May, 1940.

"Holy shit, I hope you don't want me to ride one of these..."

Tony was amazed as he stood in front of a motorbike. A brand new looking motorbike.

"Definitely not." Steve simply stated. "I'll be riding it."

"Is this what you meant by a. Bike ride, then?"

"Yeah..." Steve grinned.

"So why did you ask me if I had a bike?"

"I wanted to surprise you."

"You definitely did that..." Tony stared at the bike in utter disbelief. He had never used one before, ever. "I'm gonna die..."

"No you're not. I'll even help you on."

"Alright, but can I have one request?"


"Please can we set off on a more... private place, as many, many people are staring at us right now, and I'd rather my classmates not hear or see me scream when we set off."

Looking around at the people staring at them, he began chuckling louder.

"Why not?" He smirked, grabbing hold of the motorbike, pulling it towards the back alley of the houses infront of them.

The pair hadn't moved too far away from the main school gates, but the massive brick building was still in sight.

Steve got himself on the contraption first, begging to fasten his helmet.

"Come on, Tony." He teased.

"Shhh..." He fastened his helmet, still stood next to the bike. "Give me a minute."

"Just swing your right leg over the seat, that's literally all you gotta do."

"It's not as easy as you'd think the first time, Steve." He shuffled closer to the bike, following Steve's orders.

Once he was finally on the bike, he wrapped his arms around Steve's waist, shutting his eyes.

"Hold on tight, Tony." He revved the engine, before setting off, driving straight out of the backstreet and onto the main road. "Don't worry, I'll soon get us onto a road where it's more empty. It's not as fun when there's so many other cars."

"Mhm." Tony kept his eyes tightly shut.

They were soon stopped at traffic lights.

"You better not have shut your eyes..." Steve Joked.

"Mhm." Tony replied, yet again.

"We're at traffic lights, Tony." Steve laughed.

"Just as dangerous..." The blonde shook his head.

"What's life without a bit of danger?" He opened one eye at this statement, the other soon following.

The lights turned green and the two were soon on their way.

And Steve kept his promise alright. He took the route that lead down a one way road. Kind of like a country road, that meant they were alone and Steve could go way faster than he had previously been going.

"Hold on tighter!" He called.

"What?!" Tony yelled back, he couldn't hear anything.

However as Steve went faster, his grip tightened anyway.

"Wooooooooh!" Steve yelled.

Tony began to relax and finally enjoy himself. In fact, this was great fun.

"Wooooh!" Tony repeated.

The boys could see the sun start to go down. The sunset had only just begun though, so the Orange was still yet to come.

"It's almost sunset!" Steve called.

"Can we watch it?" Tony shouted back.

"Of course! I know just the place!"

Steve knew that they weren't so far away from the Brooklyn bridge, and knew the perfect place for them to sit and watch the sunset together on the other side.

So without a second thought, the blonde headed towards the bridge, hoping Tony would enjoy crossing it.

"We're going over the bridge now!" He shouted.

But Tony didn't reply. He'd only ever gone over this bridge a free times in his life, but had definitely never had this experience. They were soaring over it, the wind blowing on Tony's face.

He felt so free.

He felt so happy.

"This is fucking amazing!" Tony was in awe.

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