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I know I've been inactive for god knows how long and I am so sorry i just happened to be out of inspiration. And also writing a transition chapter from the last chapter to the next part of the story is- well it was hard and yeah.

Anyway, this is not my best work but I shall promise to make better chapters in the future.

Stay safe all of you <3

Jimin sighed to himself, turning off his phone and patiently waiting outside his house for his boyfriend- he involuntarily smiled at the word- to come pick him up. Honestly, the only thing that lifted Jimin's spirits up nowadays was his dates with Yoongi. Without school his life feels just so empty. And he has no idea of how he could fill up the void of not being at basketball practices. In all honesty, it sucked. He misses being captain. He misses the intense practices. Being fried to death in the sun. The matches. The feeling of winning.

It feels like only Yoongi can lift his mood up to cloud nine without much effort. He just understands what Jimin's going through- he's been in this position himself.

The scariest fact is, at university, Jimin's going to have to work harder than ever on his skills- he's once again starting at the bottom. He's not going to be that one star player everyone relies on; the one everyone knows is going to do marvelously.

He's going to be considered as nothing till he makes a name for himself.

Obviously he wouldn't be nothing- Jimin has a habit of exaggerating- but he'd be the same, maybe even worse, than all the other's at university.

His attention is refocused as Yoongi's sleek black car comes into a halt in front of his house. Instantly finding himself smiling, Jimin walked towards the new car Yoongi had recently acquired and plopped right in, leaning towards the older to leave a quick kiss on his cheek.

Yoongi grinned.

"Missed me?"

Jimin rolled his eyes playfully, his smile still intact. "Naw, why would I?"

"Just admit you miss me baby" Yoongi started to drive.

"Never" Jimin stuck his tongue out. "Where are we going?"

"No idea" Yoongi laughed. "Where'd you wanna go?"

Jimin smacked the older's forearm lightly.



September was drawing closer and closer much to Jimin's dismay. All his time was running out- he just didn't want to start college just yet. He'd been enjoying life at home without a care in the world and he was feeling a tad bit lazy. It didn't help that he had to pack his bags up because he's going to be moving away from home.

He was excited at the prospect except that he wouldn't be able to see Yoongi as much. Which sucked- they just recently got back together.

Okay maybe not recently- just...they wouldn't be able to do any fancy dates and all the cute stuff they're doing now.

And he wasn't being narrow minded about this, he really wasn't. He was excited for college- it was a chance to finally achieve his childhood dreams. It's just that what he and Yoongi has right now...he didn't know if he wanted to be without it.

So it was understandable that he was feeling under the weather. And it wasn't only him, it was Yoongi too. He was also starting to realize that Jimin was off to college in fucking Busan and they would be spending more time apart than together. And with all the possible work load Jimin would get- who knew if the weekends were going to be spent at Busan or Seoul?

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