Roommate In America

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"so you saw a pink haired boy" the taller male said, shaking his head. "that's not a huge thing. I mean, my brother's friend has pink hair"

"whatever hyung" Yoongi sighed, slumping on his chair, weirdly dissatisfied that Jin didn't react to the boy with the pink hair as he did. "anyway, I'm hungry, what you got?"

Yoongi laughed as the taller and older male sighed dramatically, getting up from his seat, which was faced opposite to Yoongi's chair, to get his bag. "I feel like you only befriended the one and only Kim Seokjin for food" there was a slight hint of pretend hurt.

"oh cut the shit hyung,  it's not like you wanted to be my friend in the first place" Yoongi scoffed. "remember? you approached me 'cause I was with Namjoon. Also somehow 'friends' sounds so swagless, let's not talk about it" Jin scoffed at that. This youngster.

Yoongi's mouth watered as Jin opened a lunch box and kept it in front of Yoongi. Indeed this was heaven because damn, Jin's food was so good Yoongi had actually once moaned as he had taken a bite. He tucked in after uttering a 'thanks, hyung' , eating at an inhuman pace, silently enjoying the food. Jin laughed, fondly. 

True, it had only been two months since Jin had come to this company to start his job as a vocal trainer, but he'd known Yoongi  for one and a half months, and although the younger had been hard to approach, they were now acting as if they had known each other for a couple of years. And also Namjoon was the cause of them meeting, that was also the plain truth. So now, most of the time, he would hang out with Namjoon and Yoongi.

The day spent at work was not something Yoongi would call memorable. He went through the track he had halfway completed, trying to figure out if he had inserted some irrelevant beats. He came up with words for it, but that was it. This kind of thing he did every day. And a few hours later, he found himself walking out of the building with Jin, when they both paused staring outside the glass doors in annoyance.It was raining heavily. Shit.

Yoongi was already cursing his existence when his phone rang. He answered it, seeing as it was Namjoon.

"dude, I'm sorry, I took the apartment keys with me" the younger said in  miserable rush.

Yoongi groaned. Really? Really? Why was this happening to him? "damn it Namjoon when did I ever do something that hurt you this bad?"

"yeah, I'm sorry-"

"you owe me a fucking kumamon bear for this" Yoongi threatened.

"you're such a sucker for that reverse panda. Anyway I gotta go, see ya later, my boss needs me" with that the latter hung up, causing Yoongi to sigh.

"idiot" Yoongi muttered, pocketing his phone and turning to Jin. "I'm like really sorry to be annoying but my stupid fucking roommate of a Namjoon apparently took the apartment keys with him for a date to America, can I stay at yours for today?"

Jin laughed. "sounds like something Namjoon would do" he said, shaking his head. 

"yeah you gotta be prepared for shit like this when you're married" Yoongi wisely said, smirking knowingly.

"do you want to be homeless?" Jin huffed, cheeks a light red.

"fine sorry" Yoongi grumbled. "also thanks in advance, you're a god"

Jin rolled his eyes and lead Yoongi out of the building to a taxi, all in the heavy rain.


"no no! Jimin he's right there-"

"I can see that- shoot he almost got me! Tae to your left, it's a fucking dragon-"

"I'm not blind!"

The two boys were currently at Taehyung's home, playing the xbox as Jimin had requested. Taehyung had just gotten a new game- skyrim- and they were too excited over it, yelling at each other at the top of their lungs.

"look Jimin to your left-"

"I'm home Tae!" the two boys jumped, surprised as a third voice joined them. Taehyung laughed, recovering from the sudden shock and pausing the game. "hyung's here"

He got up, going to the kitchen to greet Jin. Jimin remained seated, saving their game because he knew that Taehyung wouldn't play for some time. Better save it, who knew when the power could go out? You could never be sure. And this level was so damn hard. He didn't want to replay it.

"hey hyung" Taehyung greeted, looking surprised as another man came in behind Jin and smirked. "oh you brought your boyfriend!"

"ugh no, I'd rather die than date him" Jin scoffed. "this is Min Yoongi, Yoongi this is my brother, Taehyung. Also Tae he'll be staying with us tonight"

"and he's not your boyfriend? Yeah right" he walked up to the said Yoongi, and shook his hand leaving the older bewildered. "hi future husband of my brother" 

"kid, I'm not into your brother" Yoongi chuckled, leaving Taehyung pouting. "I'd rather-" he stopped mid sentence, seeing another young boy enter the kitchen. To Yoongi's intense surpriseHe had pink hair.

And yes, he was that kid.

The kid that cockblocked the fight that day.

The kid he thought he'd never see again.

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