"May I?"

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So can someone tell me why my chapters are getting longer?

Dedicated to @Dilanne_loves 


Jimin was, least to say, nervous.

Yoongi had called him just minutes before, requesting him to come to cafe mocha. By the tone of the older, it was either a very good surprise...or a bad one. He of course hoped for the latter because they'd only begun dating, if it ended now...well Jimin would be disappointed. No, not disappointed, that seemed to casual- heartbroken would be more suitable.

He called a taxi, after telling his parents he was going out, he ordered the driver to take him to his destination. Jimin's fingers intertwined as if he were praying- and he was. He didn't want the older to just say he didn't like Jimin anymore.

But what if that's what Yoongi wanted to say? What if Yoongi thought he was immature? And too young?

But that's ridiculous, Jimin shook his head adamantly, there are wider age gaps and those relationships work out perfectly.

Maybe Jimin was getting worried over how the older hadn't really made a point of them being in a relationship. Where did they actually stand? Were they really boyfriends? Were they really in a place where they could commit to being boyfriends?

Did Yoongi even like him in that way? I mean sure, the attraction was there, but was that it? Did Yoongi not like his character? His personality? Did Jimin sum up to be immature in his eyes? Someone not capable of handling a relationship with an older person?

When the doubts pushed in to his mind,  so did another troubling question: wasn't he too much into Yoongi?

Should the realization have him worried? He honestly didn't know. He'd never been so conflicted over his feelings, but to be fair, he was sixteen. He wasn't exactly expected to have a lot of similar situations. 

When he arrived at his destination, he paid the driver the required amount and got down, heaving a deep breath.

Well, he'd find out the answers to his questions today.

Depending on whether this was a serious meeting or another casual date of course, Jimin realized, shoulders sagging. He didn't think he could wait anymore to know the answers to his problems. He just couldn't.


Yoongi rubbed his hands together, nervously, already chewing the time for the billionth time since he'd been here. He shouldn't be this nervous, he tried to soothe himself, but where Park Jimin was concerned, none of his usual habits existed anymore.

The door of the cafe opened and Yoongi hopefully looked at the arrival, but slumped over the table when he realized it wasn't Jimin.

This kid sure is late.

It was as if this thought had been heard by Jimin himself, because in that exact moment Jimin burst in, looking out of breath and craning his neck to see if Yoongi was here. So, Yoongi waved to get his attention and just as he hoped, Jimin smiled, relaxing and making his way over to the table Yoongi had reserved.

"hey hyung" there was a subtle edge of emotion in the latter's voice that Yoongi couldn't quite understand. He sat down opposite to Yoongi, a small smile on his face.

"hi, kid" Yoongi offered a gummy smile, idly thinking that his visions had not done Jimin any justice because really, the kid was so breathtaking even in doing absolutely nothing. "I was waiting for you to order, I didn't know what you'd like"

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