First Date

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So I've been concentrating on making each chapter have more than a thousand words....

Also, this has been the one book where I've organized every single word and phrase. For the life of me I have never been so organized and I'm honestly a little proud. :)

It's a roller coaster of a date btw, don't mind me

Oh shit, this chapter is extra long and dedicated to @yoonminpysco @lilkym23 @sun-_-nithz   @senkoon @piecebypiece469


Yoongi lead him to a little shop that took almost half an hour to walk, despite his assuring that it would only take mere minutes and it had Jimin grumbling that he was already so hungry.

"how much farther?" the younger boy complained, tugging on Yoongi's hand, trying to get the older male's attention.

"" Yoongi triumphantly stopped in front of a small shop that Jimin had never once seen in his life and even if he did, it would not have spiked up his interest. Certainly not somewhere Jimin would have thought Yoongi would bring him to. "It doesn't look much, but trust me, the food is great" Yoongi confidently said.

"I could eat from a dumpster right now" Jimin rolled his eyes, making Yoongi laugh, taking him into the quaint little shop. The interior was even more unexpected, with mismatched furniture that gave off a homely vibe rather than a business one. The lights were dim the walls and floor were wooden and not many of the tables were occupied. There were strings of colorful bulbs hung around the entire place giving it a merry, festive feeling. It was certainly a place that could relax any person. There was an almost tangible smell in the air that simply made Jimin impatient for food. He looked towards the counter, seeing only one person behind it, who was now smiling as a greeting to Yoongi.

"you often come here?" Jimin asked, as they made their way to the counter. 

"yeah" Yoongi replied. "it's one of the best places I know. Nothing fancy, if that's what you were expecting" it was said as a jibe, but Jimin could hear the apprehensiveness underneath it and Yoongi's eyes searching for any sign on Jimin that said that the younger didn't like this.

"no, it's fine" he assured. "just not what I expected at all"

Yoongi greeted the worker and took up a menu card from the counter, handing it to Jimin. "I wanted to make this really unexpected"

The pink haired boy laughed, voice so pleasant. "you succeeded then" he scanned the menu, taking in the various food items, eyes widening at the selection. "woah, this is great"

"told you so" Yoongi smugly said, assessing the genuine eagerness in Jimin's expression, which now took on a serious mask, trying to guess what he should order. It was so cute, young couldn't help but smile fondly. "you know, you can order anything" Yoongi piped up. "I'm paying"

"that's not right" Jimin frowned.

"we're on a date, Min"

Jimin's heart skipped a beat at that, cheekes reddening. "b-but still..."

"no buts, kiddo" Yoongi smirked. "now, get anything, I really want to sit down"

Minutes later, they were tucking in, well in Jimin's case, he was gulping down the food. And Yoongi was right, he'd never tasted food so good. It just melted in his mouth, giving just the right mixture of spiciness and saltiness. The dessert, Jimin ordered chocolate fudge (A/N: that's my favorite) was one of the best things he'd ever dined on. The taste was just so right, Jimin could moan at how good it tasted.

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