When Your Friend Knows You Too Well...

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Jimin ran his fingers through his hair, frustrated for he could not find the outfit. The outfit that would no doubt make every female and male faint. He was pretty sure he had to have that kind of combination somewhere in his closet...

"aha!" he muttered, triumphantly, holding up the denim jacket in front of him. He needed something casual, not something that would make him stick out like a sore thumb. Now if he could find that black t-shirt and that pair of ripped jeans, he was all set.

Fifteen minutes later, he was on his way to school.

School was, Jimin groaned, the definition of hell today. He ended up getting late to his maths period, and the teacher was not nice even if you turn up early so he got punished. On top of that, Taehyung had kept teasing so now the whole team knew that he had a date with someone older than him and that date was a boy. So at break time, when their coach went to answer a call during after school practices, the whole team started teasing him mercilessly.

"figured you'd be gay" Chanyeol snickered, a knowing smirk on his face.

"oh shut the fuck up" Jimin grumbled. "yeah, okay, so my hair is pink and I'm gay?"

"well, you're hair is pink, and you are gay" Baekhyun snorted.

"fuck off let me be in peace" Jimin whined.

"your inner gay is showing" this was Sehun, also a senior.

"let's all stop teasing Jimin-" Hoseok virtuously spoke up, a Cheshire grin on his face, laying a hand on Jimin's shoulder. Jimin looked at him gratefully. "-and wish him luck to make gaybies"

Jimin had never punched someone so hard in his life.


Still pouting over the teasing, Jimin got dressed with his previously chosen outfit, so nervous he couldn't do the zip correctly.

"ooooo" Taehyung smirked, taking in Jimin's look, when he was finally done and dusted. "looking fine" he wiggled an eyebrow to emphasize his point.

"shut up Tae" Jimin deadpanned.

"I'm just joking Min" Taehyung chuckled, clapping Jimin's back. "in all seriousness, hope this date goes well"

Jimin sighed, adjusting his jacket. "I'm nervous"

"don't be. Have that confident bitch attitude"

"I don't have that attitude...?" uncertainly, Jimin eyed Taehyung, searching for an explanation.

"yeah I know" Taehyung laughed, toweling his hair dry. "but you gotta play hard to get. Don't be easy as you usually are"

"I'm not easy" Jimin protested hotly.

"oh yes you are, trust me"

Jimin took a deep breath, saying bye to his teammates and walking out of the school gates, taking out his phone to call Yoongi, when suddenly, he was startled by a car honking. He looked forward to glare, only to recognize the familiar blue color model.

Yoongi had the passenger side window opened already and he indicated Jimin to get in. The younger obliged, with slightly reddened cheeks, heart beating frantically.

"hey, kid" Yoongi greeted, a soft gummy smile on his face.

"we're on a date and I'm still a kid?" Jimin shook his head in disbelief. "unbelievable hyung"

"well, you didn't happen to grow old during the last few hours did you?" Yoongi laughed, hitting the road.

"ahhhh but still" the younger tried to reason. There was no reason, but Jimin could already feel this conversation leading into a bantering session and the thought had him smiling. No matter what, at the end, Yoongi would always give in.

"before we continue this, jagi" Yoongi emphasized the endearment to satisfy Jimin and at the same time to embarrass him. "call your mom to say that you'll be late"

"how late?" Jimin asked, mind wandering to that 'jagi' Yoongi uttered, liking it way more than he should be. In fact, he was quite sure his heart skipped a beat. And that his skin had become hotter.

"maximum eleven o'clock"

Eyes widened, Jimin looked at Yoongi, cheeks heating up thinking of what they could be possibly doing up till then. "that late?"

"that's late?" Yoongi incredulously asked. "I mean I know said to tell you're mom you'll be late, but that's late?"

"I don't think people my age goes on dates that last till eleven in the night" Jimin scowled.

"good point" Yoongi agreed, trying to ease the suddenly darkened atmosphere. "anyway, I'm not thinking of anything perverted, just so you know" he smirked when Jimin's eyes widened more. "I'm taking you to one of my underground rapping events"

Jimin clapped his hands excitedly, almost bouncing on his seat after hearing this. "really?"

"well before that, we're gonna go grab some food" Yoongi admitted. "but yeah, thought you'd like to see it"

"thank you so much!" Jimin cried. "woah, I can totally brag to Tae!"

Yoongi laughed, leaning over to ruffle the younger's now slightly dull pink hair. "yeah but I called over Jin hyung okay? Since Namjoon's gonna be there too and in no condition shall you leave him, okay?" The older tried his best not to sound like he was disciplining a child, but the effort was fruitless, judging by Jimin's next sentence.

"you treat me like a kid, don't you?"

Yoongi sighed, knowing this topic was bound to come up sooner or later. "not really, but I don't want anything to happen to you. So many different people come there and there is alcohol involved and I'm not really sure if this a first date kinda place. I have my doubts about this place so in no way am I going to put you in harms way"

You could say that somewhere along the lines Jimin forgot to breath. The process resumed when he realized he was holding in his breath involuntarily and he exhaled in a loud gust, heart beating just so fast, he was sure it was about to jump out of his chest.

Finally he managed a sentence, through his suddenly clouded mind and blocked throat. "t-thanks...for caring so much"

At that Yoongi had to laugh. "there isn't much point going on a date if I don't care for you is there?" He turned the car to the left, to the road that lead them to the mall. "I hope you're up for some walking 'cause I have a specific place in mind to eat"

"it's not long is it?" Jimin asked, a tad bit worried. "I'm kinda hungry"

"a few minutes from the mall" Yoongi reassured him, parking the car. "call your mom, jagi"

Jimin blushed vividly. "are you going to keep calling me that?"

"thought you didn't like me calling you kid?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow.

"well...I didn't expect you to call me jagi either" the younger admitted.

"too much complaining Jimin" Yoongi groaned. "it's either those two, or baby or honey or darling-"

"k-kid is fine" Jimin cut him off hastily. "yeah it's totally fine"

"you asked for it, kid"

Jimin rolled his eyes and called his mom, getting out of the car to do so because he didn't want Yoongi listening in to a probably embarrassing conversation.

Sure enough, Jimin had to reassure his mom that Jin hyung would be dropping him home (right?) and that he would be quite safe because there were three grown ups (a major eye roll)

"I think you're gonna have to talk to my mom" Jimin told the older who had gotten out of the car, ending the call. "if she's going to get this inquisitive like this every time we're going on a date, I'm gonna puke"

"so you're thinking of more dates?" teasingly Yoongi asked, holding Jimin's hand in his, making the younger boy inevitably flustered.

"m-maybe" stoutly, Jimin answered. "its depends on how today turns out and how you treat me Mister" his grin turned devilish at the last few words "so make sure to treat me like royalty" 

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "yeah okay, your highness"

"now that's more like it"

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