Cakes And Memories

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Jimin stretched out his hands, yawning as he walk up from his deep slumber. He had gotten home after eleven after that fist date and amid many scoldings from his mother for being so late, he went to sleep, unconscious even before his head hit the pillow. But he had to admit it, the date had bought the two of them closer. They'd gone on two more dates after that, one to the arcade, on Jimin's orders, and one to the cafe mocha, suggested by Yoongi. 

Smiling widely at his early morning thoughts, he hopped off bed, remembering it was a Saturday and he was free to do anything he wanted to.

But of course, such thoughts were short lived because he had a plan for today.

For it was Yoongi's birthday.

At the thought, Jimin smiled widely, taking his phone and quickly opening his chat with the aforementioned older. Then pausing, he thought it would be nicer to call wish the older, so he did exactly that.

"hyunggggg!" he chirped, when the older had answered the call.

"what now kid?" the elder's voice was disgruntled; still full of sleep. Jimin could hear the rustling of sheets and he imagined Yoongi was sitting up, rubbing his eyes. It summed up to be such a cute image in Jimin's mind.

"happy birthday!" 

"huh?" confusion was laced in Yoongi's voice, now probably trying to squint at the date depicted on the phone judging by the fact that his voice suddenly sounded far away. "it's the ninth of...March? Already?"

"yeah silly" Jimin giggled.

"my god, I wanna dig a hole, crawl in it and die" the groan caused Jimin to laugh loudly.

"so optimistic, hyung" he teased.

"ahhhh shit now all these people are going to be calling me-" Yoongi groaned again. "man, this sucks"

"wow, hyung, cheer up, it's not like it's the end of the world" dryly, Jimin commented. He never had known someone could despise their own birthday so much.

"true" sighing, Yoongi agreed. "well, I'm twenty four now"

A bubble of panic started to float to Jimin's throat and he did his best to stop it, not knowing why the sudden gloominess claimed him, but not wanting Yoongi to hear that.

"yeah well..." he cleared his throat, trying to dislodge the panic out of his voice. "see you soon, hyung" 

"wait- see me soon? How?"

"you'll see" his usual cheekiness had returned, but only a fraction of it. "see ya" and he ended the call, a small grin on his face. This was part of the plan, to leave the older hanging.

Jimin sat down suddenly feeling dizzy, head in his hands, wondering why exactly, the fact that Yoongi was twenty four now, affected him. He'd been so excited at the prospect of dating Yoongi and he clearly had known they had quite an age gap, so why did it trouble him so much now; why did it make him this panicked?

There's nothing to worry about, he thought firmly. I'm turning seventeen this year, it's not a big deal.

But what if it is?

What if I'm not enough? 

"shut up, it's nothing to be worried over" Jimin confidently said to himself before standing up and walking to the kitchen, on his way calling Jin, concentrating his mind to his current mission. Jin answered on the second ring, informing Jimin that he was on the way.

Fifteen minutes later, Jimin was greeting Jin at the front door and moments later, they were immersed in cooking up a simply mouthwatering lunch for Yoongi. Of course, Jin wasn't going to present it, that was Jimin's job, but Jin wanted to offer a helping hand because why not, Yoongi had helped him and Namjoon get together.

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