Your Own Age

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Dedicated to @lilkym23 and @hoeforhoseokie  because they're awesome.


Jimin would be lying if he said that this wasn't effecting him. Because he was drained. Emotionally as well as physically. On top of everything that had happened, he was having to deal with yet more basketball practices and dancing practices and piles of homework presented themselves every single day just to torture Jimin. At the end of the day, it was fair to say that he was knackered.

But on the bright side, he didn't have time to think. And thinking was on the last place of his to-do list right now.

How fucking stupid was he to blurt all that out? Even if it was true, yelling was not the answer and god, Jimin should've just talked with Yoongi about this. They could've helped each other out and yet, yet, he went and fucked it all up.

It had been two months since that day and Jimin was beyond crying. He'd been sobbing himself to sleep till the last few days and he had woken up with puffy eyes and tear stains down his cheeks, every morning. He'd even had nightmares about this whole incident and honestly, even sleep hadn't been that one place Jimin could get rid of hall his worries for even a moment. 

Taehyung and Jungkook had been comforting him and honestly, if it weren't for them, Jimin wouldn't even be eating right now.

His mother, of course, had freaked out and had worried so much and it was also partly because of her that Jimin had finally stopped walking around like the walking dead: He didn't want her to get her that upset.

And dear god Jimin had done everything. Everything he could to try and just talk with Yoongi- all to no avail. He wouldn't answer the phone or any texts from any kind of social media. Jimin had dropped a few dozen letters and out of desperation had even visited Yoongi's office. Jin had shooed him off the building that day, saying that Yoongi wasn't in the mood to talk.

But of course Yoongi wouldn't be. Jimin had just hurt all the right places with all the right words. Why would Yoongi even think of Jimin after that?

So it was with with much difficulty that Jimin made up his mind to stop pursuing Yoongi (with much help from the Taekook couple too) and to try and accept all that had happened. Because of him.

But it was just so hard to forget all the kissed and the hugs and the sweet words they'd shared. All the memories they made, the confessions- they were all just engraved into his very being and only god knows how to erase them.

Sometimes he'd wake up, dazed, and would go through his morning routine only to end up with downwardly curved lips at having remembering that he needn't send Yoongi a selfie anymore. The first time that happened, he'd burst into tears and skipped school. Dramatic? Yeah, but he couldn't help it.

He regretted his words just so much.

He wanted the flirting, the quiet afternoons, the lazy talks, the dry humor- he missed every single part about the relationship and he missed every single part about Yoongi. The soft smile, the veiny hands, the raspy voice, the cat-like eyes.

Oh god, he missed everything. Every. Single. Thing.

But there was no going back, was there?  

Not when he'd said that that person restrained him from doing certain things, from reaching certain goals.

Not when he had hurt the person who had been just so sweet and kind to him.

Not when he had...hurt Yoongi.


It was all he could to not curl into a ball and let the misery have him but ugh. The fact that he had to dress himself presentably and work in a stupid whitewashed office for six hours? God must love torturing him.

Yoongi pulled on his tie, tugging at it so ferociously that he almost choked himself. Proceeding to grab his cup of coffee - his breakfast, mind you- he ran a hand through his hair, too lazy to do anything decent with it.

"you going to work today?" Namjoon asked in surprise, momentarily stopping his actions, seeing a scowling but dressed Yoongi emerge out out the room.

"the fucking boss called" Yoongi snappily replied. "said there was a new client"

"you um...want me to drive you?"

"yeah..." Yoongi's shoulders relaxed. "thanks"

"no prob" Namjoon threw the bowl he'd used to eat cereal into the sink before washing his hands and grabbing his car keys. "let's go"


The pain was unbearable.

He didn't care if he sounded too cheesy but damn. His office just had so many memories of Jimin he could just fucking die from the sadness overload. Which didn't sound like a bad idea.

Everywhere he set his eyes on it was Jimin, Jimin, Jimin. The chairs- he'd playfully complained as to why Jimin never sat on them and insisted on sitting on his lap- The walls- how Jimin had complained it was so prim and proper and that he needed some color- The computer- The amount of songs Jimin had meddled with, trying to cooperate to make a better song, some in which he succeeded but some he just made messes out of- Fuck fuck fuck.

Maybe coming to work wasn't such a good idea.

But he was being such a wuss.

Didn't he already decide that he was going to be a man about this whole thing? That he was done crying over it?

Didn't he?

Well, he grimly thought, sitting down on the chair and turning on the computer. No more wallowing, Min, get back to work. the rent isn't going to pay by itself.

Clicking around the familiar folders and apps, he concluded that he felt a bit- if not much- better.

Let this be a lesson to you, he shook his head, getting the hair out his eyes (he'd forgotten to get his hair cut, it was so damn long and annoying). 

Date people your own age.


So He's decided.


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