His Anger And Mine

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I suck at writing negative vibe chapters...so please bear with it


"What do you mean, I shouldn't go?" Disappointed and partly outraged, Jimin asked. He'd been hoping for a laugh- maybe a good natured encouraging on his exciting news. But not this.

"I just think it's not safe" Yoongi replied through gritted teeth, hands tightening on the steering wheel so hard, his knuckles turned white. Jimin unsurely stared at the veiny hands not really knowing how he should proceed or what the older's anger habits were.

But he wasn't going to back down. No, he was going to fight it.

"You can't tell me what to do" Jimin coldly replied. "I can decide for myself"

"You think your mom would let you?"

Jimin's eyes sparkled in anger and defiance. "She won't mind"

"Oh right, I forgot that your mom was all about you going to alcohol based parties" Yoongi scoffed, and Jimin clenched his fists.

"Don't act like you were a goody two shoes back then! You must've done the same!" He cried.

"Yeah, i did the same. And I know that nothing good came out of it"

"I'm sure you were all guilty about disobeying your mom" sarcastically Jimin spat.

"Look here Jimin, if I were your age, I'd happily go with you" Yoongi coldy said. " but I'm not, and you're my boyfriend, and I don't want you drunk and being groped by other people!"

"I can take care of myself!"

"Have you ever drunk alcohol?" Yoongi yelled, swerving the car to the left and parking it, bringing on a chaos of honking from mad drivers. "Have you?"

"No..." Jimin's shoulders sagged, knowing the argument was already won by Yoongi. He felt a wave of disappointment along with anger.

"Then just listen to me, okay?" The older male softend his tone. "Please, baby?"

"I want to go" Jimin mumbled in a morose tone, looking away. " all my friends are going- it's gonna be so fun..." He sounded so broken hearted, and it wasn't even an act. This was actually the first party he would be going to that was, well, mature. And Yoongi was just taking away his freedom to go.

"I know..." Yoongi sighed, feeling sorry now. Maybe he was being too strict. Maybe- maybe Jimin should go.

But how could he let this beautiful boy go on a party with drunken people? More than that, people who have only drunk once, not even experienced ones.

"Please hyung?" Jimin whispered, with a faint hint of desperation. "I-I really want to go..."

"What if you're forced to do something like seven minutes in heaven?" Yoongi demanded, the thought of someone daring to touch Jimin was so sickening he was on the verge of puking just by the mere thought of it.

"I won't agree to that" Jimin scoffed indignantly, arms crossed over his chest, a look of indignation on his face. "I'm not a cheater"

"You think you'll be all 'i have a boyfriend I shouldn't kiss this dude' when you're drunk?" Yoongi gave a hard laugh. " I don't think that's gow its gonna work Jimin"

"Let me have my fun!" In sudden anger, Jimin shouted, making Yoongi wince but he barely cared. He couldn't believe Yoongi was already restraining him just like two days into the relationship. And just because he was seven years older. "Every kid my age does this!"

"Every kid your age doesn't have an older boyfriend" quietly, Yoongi protested, seeing that Jimin was really upset. And the both of them being upset would cause nothing but more and more problems.

"So?" Jimin yelled, indignantly. "What, you want me to be meek and timid while you control me?"

"I'm not trying to control you Jimin"

"Well, its seems like you are" the younger boy huffed angrily. "I'm my own person- You can't play me like a rag doll! How is this any different from dating my mom?"

"I'm just telling you that it's a bad idea Jimin" Yoongi wearily said not allowing Jimin to see how much that last sentence affected him. He also saw that Jimin was in no mood to accept any reasoning. " fine, then you don't need my permission it seems, so do whatever" Jimin smiled, satisfied. "But" Yoongi continued looking straight ahead, no emotion on his face. "don't come running to me when something bad happens"

There was a silence as Jimin stared in horror and shock at what Yoongi said. The older continued to look at the road, a blank look on his face and gunned the engine.

"I thought you were my boyfriend" Jimin mumbled in a hurt voice.

"You asked for independence" Yoongi replied. "I'm giving it to you. Obviously you don't want your boyfriend to meddle in your life" Yoongi knew this was too much, but he couldn't help it.

"But..." Jimin bit his lower lip, wanting to backtrack, but how could he? He desperately wanted to attend to that party and now that he could, did he want to blow it up? "Hyung I- I won't drink that much" he whispered.

"Do whatever Jimin" Yoongi indifferently answered, taking a turn to the left and now they were on the road that lead to Jimin's home. Jimin wanted to scream, he didn't want to go out of the car without resolving this, but almost the second he thought that, the car parked in front of his house. The engine stopped and an overwhelming silence fell over them making Jimin squirm, eyes prickling with tears.

"Aren't you going Jimin?" Yoongi asked, in a coolly polite tone that made Jimin want to just apologize for a straight hour, but he didn't- because he didn't want to bow down to Yoongi. He didn't want to seem too easy to force; too easy to control. No, he was going to show that he was strong willed. He would show that he could be trusted and that he wouldn't just go and get drunk and have a make out session with some random guy.

He was going to prove it.

"Yeah I am" he replied in a hard tone. "Bye hyung"

He got out of the car- and slammed the door behind him, slightly flinching at the loud sound but proceeding to walk away like he didn't give a damn.

Yoongi started the car, just waiting a second to ensure that Jimin got inside safely, before driving away.

It was only halfway to his apartment that the emotions welled inside him making him swerve to the right and park the car before slumping over the steering wheel, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose.

Maybe he was too hard on Jimin. Maybe he wouldn't be so irresponsible.

Maybe he should have believed in Jimin more.

Maybe this relationship would continue like this- Yoongi and Jimin disagreeing on the simplest things. Would it be better to discontinue this? Before more feelings were involved?

Yoongi was already sure that he was falling for the boy- and he wasn't the least angry at Jimin for yelling at him, though for any other person he would have responded with equal fierceness. Yoongi should've seen this from Jimin's perspective instead of trying to force him. He should've been more understanding.

But in truth, Yoongi did understand. He just didn't want anyone taking advantage of drunk Jimin. He didn't want anyone else dancing with him- and dancing on him. Jimin was too attractive and he was sure that a whole bunch of people had their eyes on him waiting to swoop in and take him.

He understood Jimin, but he just didn't agree with him.

He wanted this to work out.

But already this relationship was going downhill.

Yoongi groaned before starting the car, hitting the road to home again, barely paying attention to the road.


I'm really anxious to know what you guys think about this chapter so comment.


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