Just One Glance...

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I am utterly devastated over how fucking fine Jimin looked at BBMAs and the Vlive after it like damn why does he have to just look like a whole damn-

you know what, never mind


sorry, just ranting.



"here it is" Yoongi handed over a CD in its case to the lady- well, client- he had met the other day, Ahn Hyejin. She bowed again, looking delighted.

"thank you so much!" she fervently said.

"it was nothing" Yoongi brushed away the thanks, modestly.

He resumed his work once she was gone. Hyejin had a great voice, no doubt about that. He'd have liked to suggest her as a trainee for Bighit- actually, he was going to suggest it. He jotted down the name on a paper and tucked it in his pocket to hand it over later to the manager.

Yoongi turned off his computer and the lights in his office. Closing the curtains, after taking one hopeful look at the school to see if he could spot Jimin, he walked outside and closed the door behind him, also locking it.

He sent a quick text to Jin saying that he was leaving and the elder replied with a 'be safe'.

Yoongi sighed, already feeling at ease. He was going home today, to Daegu and it couldn't have popped up at a more appropriate time. He wanted a break from all this shit.

Going to his apartment, he took a quick shower, packed some clothes and made sure to hide a set of the apartment keys where, they- meaning him and Namjoon- usually hid it because he wasn't up for revenge for what Namjoon did the other day. And now that Jin and Namjoon were dating, it wouldn't be a harsh thing for Namjoon, having to stop by at jin's place.

Thinking about it, maybe Yoongi could do the younger a favor. In his sudden decision, he picked up the keys from the hiding spot with a smirk and walked away to the elevator. He sent a quick text to Namjoon- 'thank me later'- and pocketed his phone.

It was approximately a two and a half hours drive to Daegu and throughout the entire ride, Yoongi couldn't help but wish for Jimin. It would certainly be entertaining with the younger boy. He stopped by at a coffee place for a brief rest and resumed his journey. It was almost eight when he reached home. He parked the car and got out, stretching out (like a cat) before taking his bag and heading to the front door.

Before he could even knock, the door swung open and he had to fight for balance as his younger sister hugged him tightly. 

"yay! You're home!" she turned back to the house to yell. "mom! Oppa's home!"

This was Yoongi's younger sister who was only eleven years old, a product of Yoongi's mother remarrying after his dad walked out on them, when Yoongi was eleven.

As if suddenly sensing his presence, a small creature came barking and flung himself at Yoongi. this was Holly, the dog he had mentioned to Jimin.

Yoongi smiled and kissed his sister, Yoona's forehead, who giggled happily.

Ah, it was good to be back home.


"so young man, still single and ready to mingle?" there was a teasing edge in his mom's tone.

"no mom" Yoongi rolled his eyes, still holding his younger sister's hand. "I'm single and not ready to mingle. At all"

"well, it's acceptable I suppose. Who in their right mind would date you?"

"I don't want oppa to date" pouting, Yoona mumbled. "oppa is mine

"yeah see? I don't need to date" Yoongi smirked at his mother who lightly hit him acting like a teenager. That was was Yoongi honestly admired about his mother. She had been left broken hearted with a toddler to care on her own, yet she never complained that it was hard work. She'd met Yoongi's step dad through the few odd jobs she did and they hit it off. Yet his mom had never once lost her character. She had always been bold, daring and vivacious. Add it with her prettiness and she was the very definition of a goddess.

They never talked about Yoongi's dad and Yoongi always worried, back in those days when it was just the two of them, that his mom must hate him because she had to work so much to feed them both. But she had claimed that it was okay, as long as she could see Yoongi at the end of the day, she was fine.

And now, they had a perfect family. 

Of course, when his mom first told him about Mr.Min, Yoongi had gone all out to test the man's patience and qualities. He didn't wasn't his mom hurt again. He'd been rude and savage, but the man had put up with him until Yoongi's mom told him that she was going to be fine with him. And so, Yoongi turned out to hesitatingly love his step dad.

"come on , I made dinner" Mrs. Min said, walking to the kitchen. "you're body must be polluted with all the city food"

Yoongi laughed and lifted Yoona, holding her to his waist before following his mom.


Of course, as much as he loved his mom, there were times that she could be annoying.

For one, she could read him all too well.

Jimin had sent him a text and when Yoongi hadn't replied for simply ages, he'd sent a string of apologies for whatever he'd done to make the older mad, at which Yoongi smiled fondly before reassuring the boy that he hadn't had time to reply and it wasn't Jimin's fault.

His mother had taken in the view of her son smiling widely and texting someone and had at once summed it up to a mere sentence: Yoongi had a crush.

"so who is this person you're texting?" she casually asked. Yoongi at once tensed, before forcing a smile.

"no one"

"are you kidding me, Yoongs? I'm not stupid enough to believe that"

"well..."Yoongi paused, looking away from his mother's inquisitive eyes. "it's just a person"

"just a person you have a crush on?"

Yoongi's cheeks reddened and she at once knew she'd hit the jack pot.

"details please" she chided, arms crossed over her chest, waiting expectantly.

"can't I have privacy?" Yoongi grumbled.

"nah uh, young man you haven't had an interest in anyone for 23 years. I'm entitled to know who this miraculous person is"

"so if I say it's a boy?" Yoongi tested, half scared to hear the reply.

"I'd say, fuck those who'd criticize and do what you want"

Yoongi barely managed to recollect his thoughts and reply with a weak, "no swearing"

"Yonna's asleep, it doesn't matter" she brushed away the worry and gave a soft smile. "so it's a boy?"

Yoongi sighed, giving up. "yeah"


"what do you mean, and?"

"you obviously have some other problem stressing you out"

Yoongi marveled at his mom knowing basically everything by just one glance. He leaned forward on the table, before replying. "he's seven years younger"

"I'd say it's fine, but we don't know about his parents. Have you met them?"

"what? No!" incredulously, Yoongi replied. "we aren't dating..."

"why not?"

"for one, I don't know if he likes me. And also mom, this is making me really uncomfortable"

His mom laughed, a fond twinkle in her eyes. "whenever you're ready to talk, then"

"thanks mom"

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