Expect The Unexpected

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The kid he thought he'd never see again.

Okay, maybe that was overstating things.

"hey hyung"

 The pink haired kid greeted Jin as if he were a family member. He looked at Taehyung and Yoongi and the older's breath hitched for some unknown reason. Taehyung found nothing odd in Yoongi's behavior and instead went over to Jin, pestering him, claiming he was hungry. Jimin flashed a smile at Yoongi, making him freeze momentarily, because god, that was such a pretty smile. "you're boyfriend,hyung?" the pink haired male directed the question at Jin.

"gods no Jimin, I'm single" Jin sighed, opening the fridge, taking out various things. "that's my colleague, Yoongi"

"oh" Jimin smiled again, this time the smile a bit shy. "hi, Yoongi hyung"

"h-hi" wow this kid was so sociable as fuck. And also, quite cute. And did he mention that pink hair

"anyway, aren't you going home Jimin? It's pretty late" Jin asked, microwaving the food he had taken out of the fridge.

"Chim will stay here till his mom's gonna pick him up" Taehyung informed, defensively, earning a chuckle from Jimin . "she said she'll be late"

"I think I asked Jimin, but sure Tae" Jin laughed fondly.

Yoongi continued staring at the younger boy, quite fascinated, but not exactly understanding the sudden interest. For god's sake the boy must be 18 at the very least! Yoongi was 23!

But damn he was so pretty-

Fuck his thoughts were going in the wrong direction.

 "come back in fifteen minutes Tae, dinner will be ready then" At that, Taehyung grumbled about something along the lines of Jin being mean and grabbed Jimin's wrist and waddled away out of the kitchen.

"hyung" Yoongi said, all of a sudden feeling animated, no, not animated, but like he had solved one of the greatest mysteries in his life. "hyung"

"what now?" Jin asked, not sounding irritated but weary, not that Yoongi gave a shit about that right now. He was much too excited about his revelation.

"it's him" Yoongi said dramatically, holding Jin's shoulders and giving the older a small shake. "it's him"

"who's him?" confused, Jin asked.

"the pink haired kid" Yoongi whispered, eyes wide.

"ohhhhhhhh" Jin laughed, realization dawning over him. He then smirked, crossing his arms over his chest. "you have a crush on my younger brother' best friend. How adorable"

"eeewww no" Yoongi shook his head firmly. That couldn't be. " i mean how old are they?"

"16" Holy fuck.

"s-see?" Yoongi barely recovered from the shock , that was way younger than he had assumed. "i mean crushing on him makes me a fucking pedophile"

"so you have a crush on him?"

"what? no!  Is that the only thing you heard?  And also, crushes are swagless hyung, you know this. It's basic universal rules" scoffing, Yoongi sat on a chair.

"your entire existence is swagless Yoongi" Jin scorned, and Yoongi gasped, feeling like life was losing all value. That right there, that fucking sentence, that was such a humongous insult.

"how dare you?! I'm like the only person in the world with swag visible to the naked eyes! I'm like, the supreme swagness! and you dare insult me?"

Jin rolled his eyes at the younger's moronic behavior. "you should try out for a K-drama, you definitely have that dramatic shit actors need"

"shut up"

"you two are so cute!" a high pitched squeal rang out, making the two older males wince. "get married already!"

Jin shook his head in disapproval. "kids nowadays. Always thinking they're so damn smart"

Minutes later, the four of them were having dinner, Jin talking with the younger boys and Yoongi just listening, smiling at the occasional joke and staring at Jimin. Okay that part did not mean to come out that creepily. But Yoongi, to his utmost annoyance, couldn't help it.

The kid was literally the embodiment of the word 'cute'. By the end of dinner, Yoongi had confirmed that. The way Jimin fucking giggled, and his damn small fingers and his goddamn puffy cheeks- all of it were just so fucking cute.

He shook his head adamantly. No, Yoongi he's a fucking kid. Also this this swagless. Shit like love at first sight don't happen in real life.

Love at first sight?! where did that even pop up from?

Of course Jimin noticed the man staring at him,he wasn't that stupid, and though he was creeped out at first he grew to kind of like it. Because why not, Yoongi was hot. He'd never seen someone so obviously interested in him. 

By the end of dinner, Jimin had nailed down all of Yoongi's facial features- the cat-like eyes, the doll-like lips, veiny hands(very attractive)- everything, as freaky as it sounds. He wasn't one of the smartest kids in school for nothing. He had an almost photographic memory. Also, let's just say Jimin was a teensy bit interested.

Well, he knew Yoongi was way older. He knew that.

But it's not like this simple staring game would lead to them dating or anything.


Oh how wrong he was. 

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