Trying To Talk Him Out Of It

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YAY, another update!!!!!

So I'm worried that this book is going to turn out longer than I intended it to be.



"ummmm....hyung?" Awkwardly, Namjoon scratched the back of his neck, trying his best not to pee in his pants because Yoongi looked downright murderous right now, even if he was cocooned in a blanket on his bed and his hair was messy. But Namjoon had a mission to accomplish. He was so not going to chicken away from that just because- oh god his legs started to shake. It's impossible that he fears a person who looks just so damn tiny and yet here he was, literally the manifestation of the phrase shaking in his boots. "Jimin wants"

"tell him I'm not at home" Yoongi spat, eyes returning to the phone in his hands. He sounded like he meant it, but Namjoon could see the pain in his eyes, only just hidden, but he'd interacted with the older enough to recognize these things.

"but I umm...I told him that I'd ask..." Namjoon shifted uncomfortably.

"I don't want to talk to him" Yoongi slowly said, as if Namjoon was a retard. And that as highly insulting because hell no, Namjoon was not a retard.  

"so you want me to...go and say that?" he asked, hands on his hips.

"if you could please just do that and get the fuck out of here, that'll be nice"

Namjoon huffed indignantly. "this is my apartment too you know" he sighed in exasperation before making his way to the front door, not liking what he had to do. He didn't want to see that poor kids face.

Jimin had a half expectant face- and not in a good way. It was all sunken and it had barely been two days and even though Namjoon didn't know Jimin that well, he hated the toll this whole thing had taken on the boy.

Jimin's shoulders sagged the moment he saw Namjoon and the older male smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry"

"n-no it's...fine" Jimin smiled a bit too forcefully, blinking his eyes to hold back tears. "thanks anyway h-hyung"

He watched the boy trudge away, face blank, to the elevator.

Closing the door behind him, Namjoon heaved a sigh before going back to Yoongi's room. This time to talk. He knocked on the door, even if it was open, to get the older's attention. Yoongi scowled, but muttered a 'what?' 

"can we talk?" 

"whatever" Yoongi grumbled. Namjoon took that as yes and sat on the edge of Yoongi's bed. The older ignored him in favor of scrolling through his phone. 

"maybe you should listen to what he has to say" the younger suggested in a gentle voice.

"I'm pretty sure I've heard all of what he has to stay"

"he could've had his reasons hyung. You shouldn't walk out every time you get in a fight"

Yoongi shifted on the bed so that he was facing away from Namjoon, holding his phone in a way that clearly said that he wasn't using it. "this is the second time"

"he's young. Maybe he just got too caught up-"

"and he'll get caught up again Namjoon" Yoongi cut him off. "look, he's clearly been feeling all of this for a while"

"you don't know-"

"I act like a parent to him and apparently I cage him" his words were clipped and Namjoon flinched at the unintended pain behind them. "basically I limit him. And none of us want that"

"He wouldn't be looking for this many ways to say sorry if he didn't want to have you again" 

"it's just a stupid spur of the moment shit" Yoongi spat harshly. "he's just going to blow up in my face again and I just know it"

"you're hurt by this more than you show"

"gee thanks captain Obvious" sarcasm dripped from his words and Namjoon sighed.

"look I know you're hurt by what he said, but hyung relationships aren't all rainbows and sunshine okay? There's gotta be a thing called 'compromising' in there. Two people can't have the same opinion most of the time"

Yoongi shifted slightly. "yeah and we both- and by we I mean you and me- apparently have different opinions about this"

"Fine" Namjoon sighed. "All I'm saying is, you should talk this out. You can work this out, hyung"

"I don't want to work this out" stubbornly, Yoongi mumbled.

"I can't force you hyung, but i'm just saying- Jimin made you happy. Are you really willing to give it up?"

"Maybe you don't know the fact that I limit myself around him too, Joon" Yoongi suddenly said, voice guarded. "I can't ever act like I care because apparently it's like I'm being his mom. I have to constantly watch my words to make sure that I'm not apparently babying him."

Namjoon didn't have a reply for that. Instead he waited for Yoongi to continue.

"this wants going to work out in the first place anyway" the abrupt sadness in Yoongi's voice made Namjoon's heat ache (in a really platonic way). He hated seeing his sarcastic, dry humored  hyung like this. He pursed his lips, trying to think of a comforting thing to say.

"Just...leave me alone for now" the words were a whisper.

The younger boy got up, knowing that nothing would budge Yoongi right now. He walked to the door and kept his hand on the handle.

"just make sure you're absolutely sure hyung" he said before closing the door. "Don't do anything you'll regret"

"that's impossible" Yoongi gave a dry, dead laugh. "I already regret this"


"but that doesn't mean it's going to change anything" There was a small pause. "it's not going to work out Joon. He's better off with someone his age. I can't- I can't be the reason of why he has to...hold back"

Namjoon swallowed down his response because wow, he never thought Yoongi would be this well, whipped for anyone.

"but then-"

"trust me Joon, I'm better off with someone my age too. I don't want to fight over every trivial thing that's gonna happen"

Namjoon sighed warily. Yoongi sounded so sure. "I guess that's it then"


Yoongi shifted underneath the cover and Namjoon moved to close the door, knowing Yoongi was going to sleep when-

"Hey Joon?"

Namjoon tilted his head, amusing his actions. "yeah?"

"Thanks. I appreciate it" the fondness in his voice was tangible and Namjoon almost choked because what the fuck- Yoongi wasn't sentimental.

Finally regaining his composure, the younger boy smiled. 

"whatever hyung. Go to sleep"


I love how BTS treat each other like family irl.


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