She tried not to dwell on the bullying too much anyway, not that she had much time to recently. She very rarely had a moment to her self anymore. Usually, she didn't mind too much as she liked to keep herself busy but lately, she felt herself needing a break. She was burning herself out and she knew from experience that if she didn't take a break soon, she would make herself sick. She was actually surprised she hadn't already. When she wasn't training with Minato, she was training with the terror trio. Her rare free time from those four was usually occupied by her friends. She'd help Shikaku with the deer herd, help train Ibiki and Guy, tutoring Asuma, Obito, and Kurenai, and furthering her medical training on her own time. She tried to make time to go shopping with Rin when she wanted to go as well, having a bit of girl time.

So, because of all of that, she finally managed to arrange a day just to herself after she finished up her homework. She planned on getting her homework all finished up right away so the rest of the day would be free. She was nearly finished, only having one last page last to finish. After a few more minutes she finally wrote down the last answer and happily pushed her homework aside. Ah, freedom. A thoughtful look came over her as she thought over what she actually wanted to do with her free time now. Maybe the best answer was absolutely nothing. Napping the day away sounded rather glorious. It was thwarted, however, the moment Minato walked into the room with a sheepish look upon his face.

Kagome let out a sigh as a small pout appeared on her face, "What happened?" that look meant absolutely no good.

"I am so sorry Gome, but could I ask you a favor?" he asked as he folded his hands together, "It's nothing big, just a small errand. It shouldn't take you long and then I give you my word you'll have the rest of the day off."

"What do you need?" honestly, he could be so airheaded sometimes.

"Could you run into town and pick up my kunai order at the shop? The next bunch was supposed to be done today, but I don't have time to pick them up."

"And what are you doing that is so important?" she asked with a raised brow.

Minato turned fidgety, "I promised Kushina I'd help her out with something. Usually, I would just pick them up after I finished up with her, but the shop closes early today. That old man that runs the shop is so mean, if it doesn't get picked up today then he'll charge a holding fee. Please, Imouto."

She glared at him, "No, guilt-tripping." She let out a sigh, "Fine, I'll pick up your order."

Minato wrapped her up in a hug, "You are the best little sister ever. I should be back in a few hours, the shop closes in two. Make sure you get there before then."

"Yeah, yeah. Go help you crush, lover boy. I'll get changed and then head out. You owe me some Dango for this." She warned him.

"Deal, plus I'll even make Oden for you tonight."

She narrowed her eyes in warning, "I'm holding you to that." She did not take Oden promises lightly.

Minato laughed as he ran out the door. Kagome shook her head in amusement, it was like he was five sometimes. She made her way to her room to change since she hadn't bothered to get out of her pajamas yet. She chose a simple fighting Kimono. She didn't predict having to fight but one could never be too careful. Plus, Guy had a tendency to pop out of absolutely nowhere and demand a spar.

Since she was already out of the house, she made a few quick stops into a couple of stores. She paid close attention to the time, making sure she would still have enough time to make it to the weaponsmith Minato used. Besides the old man being a generally horrid person, he made some of the best material. It was the only reason Minato stuck with him. She bought a couple of new books, a scarf that had caught her attention, and the cutest little succulent plant she found. She made it to the weapon shop with fifteen minutes to spare. Plenty of time to simply pick up Minato's order.

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