The Bookstore - 32

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It's Sunday, which means tomorrow the two leave for Michigan. Oscar decided that they should both see their families alone first with Maisie agreeing. They both agreed that it probably wouldn't be best if they showed up with each other to their families that they both don't get along with really well. Maisie has been freaking out today, throwing new stuff into her suitcase and this morning she even emptied the whole thing just to place everything back in. She needed sleep as well because last night she was tossing and turning. Oscar watched her all day and wished he could do something but even a back rub didn't satisfy her hype and nervousness.

"Maisie, let's go to bed." She nodded her head, her eyes still a little bit wider than they usually are at twelve o'clock in the evening. "Everything will be fine. Stop worrying." Oscar's voice whispered into her ear after what seemed like hours of her trying to find a comfortable spot next to him. He wrapped an arm around her waist and rubbed her stomach to calm her down a bit. He was shocked that it worked, but relieved to see her closed eyes and hear her steady breathing.

Tomorrow, at exactly nine in the morning, they will be leaving on a private jet to Michigan. Oscar is a little bit nervous, but he also has a better relationship with his parents than Maisie does with her own. He feels bad, but doesn't let the pity show. He knows she doesn't like it and especially from him.

He packed his stuff with her and since it's basically summer time there, it's shorts and short sleeve weather. Maisie packed a lot even for a week. She said something about being 'just in case' something happens and she needs like a hundred extra pairs of underwear. Obviously, that was an exaggeration. Oscar was still being serious about the fact she actually packed way more than she needed. Yes, she's a girl but ten extra pairs of underwear when you already have enough for two weeks is excessive.

He fell asleep a couple of minutes after her and too soon, the sun came up and shined in their faces. It was already eight in the morning and they were finishing breakfast. "We have an hour until we have to be there." Oscar checked the time on his watch. "There's probably traffic though and I guess it's only a couple minutes away, but precautions." Maisie nodded and smiled, taking up their plates and setting them in the sink to be washed. She picked one up and started silently, conceding Oscar. "You alright?" She nodded, scrubbing the second plate and then putting both of them on the drying rack.

"What's up, baby?" He asked softly, hugging her from behind. "You know I'm nervous about this. But now all of my feelings are hitting me really hard." He nodded in the crook of her neck and kissed it softly. "We don't have to get straight to seeing them the moment we land, you know?" She nodded and giggled, his light kissed tickling her. "Okay, stop! Let's go so we're not late." She laughed and swatted him away, he smiled proudly at the fact he made her more carefree and relaxed about the situation.

"I've never been in a jet before." Maisie commented, sitting down in one of the luxury seats. They had beige leather and they were placed in the aisle with way more space than two people need. Oscar held her close to him as she looked out of the window. The jet was traveling faster than a regular plane and she smiled at the view of all the nature and trees passing by.

"Oscar." Maisie's voice woke him up and they had lights and and intercom at the front saying 'buckle your seatbelts, we are landing.' They both made sure they were strapped in and Maisie rested her head on his shoulder. "Are we going to a hotel or something?" She asked, unsure of where they're actually going to stay. "Something like that." He said secretively.

The real thing is, he is taking her to the penthouse in his company that was built there. I mean, having only one company building in only one state can't get you to a billionaire that fast. Though, his reality seems unreal anyways.

She shrugged and let the conversation go. They were now finally in Michigan and she seemed more relaxed now than the last few days. They hopped off the plane with their luggages and stretched a bit before walking towards the exit. It's a lot more calmer here than in the city back in New York. Oscar is starting to miss the quieter streets and less tall and cramped buildings. He couldn't think of it now, however, and grabbed Maisie's hand as they walked out to his parked chauffeur.

"To Stone Corps. please." The man nodded and smiled. "Welcome back, Mr. Stone. I hope your stay back here is wonderful." The window between the front and back of the car slid closed and Maisie and him got their privacy. "You nervous?" Oscar asked, turning towards his girlfriend. She shrugged, "Not as much as I was before, but I'm still a tiny bit nervous." He nodded and kissed her temple. "We'll get through this together, but we're both going to have to see them alone the first time." She nodded and smiled, placing her hand on his thigh. It instantly stopped his leg from bouncing up and down.

"Don't worry, Oscar. I was before, but I'm not too worried anymore, so you shouldn't be worrying either. You're going to stress me out." She giggled as he rested his hand atop of his. "I'll take your word for it." He smirked and looked out the window. The rest of the short car ride was comfortable silence as they both thought of scenarios in their heads of how this is all going to play out.

"Hey, mom. I'm, uh, kind of outside." The phone went dead and a high pitched voice was coming from the door. A lady that looked very much like Oscar came running out grinning like she had just won the biggest lottery. "Oscar! My boy!" She hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek. "I'm so sorry for how I treated you after you left. I just never wanted to see you go, I was in denial. Although, I cant excuse myself." She looked away with genuine guilt on her face. "It's okay, mom. I understand." He nodded as they walked into the house.

His nose caught the familiar scents and he heard nails scratching the hardwood floor. "Buster! How are you doing boy?" Oscar kneeled down and scratched the German Shepard's ears. The dog jumped up and whined as Oscar hugged him and smiled. "I missed you very much, Buster." He whispered, petting the excited dog.

"Oscar! It's nice to see you." His dad came around the corner and clamped a hand on his back. "Hey, dad. How are you?" His father smiled and pulled him in for one of those 'bro' hugs. "I'm good, what about you? Any special lady yet?" Oscar smiled at the thought of Maisie. "Yeah, the most beautiful girl on the planet. She actually used to live here too, so we came together. She's seeing her parents while I'm seeing you guys. Though, she doesn't get along well with her family." Oscar explained. His mom covered her mouth. "Will we get to meet her while you're both here?" Oscar nodded and smiled.

"Can I see a picture?" She asked again with excitement. Oscar showed her a picture of Maisie and she gasped. "She's the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen! Honey, come look at this young woman." She waved her husband over and he walked over. He smiled and nodded. "Very beautiful, son. I'm very proud of you and I'm deeply sorry for the way I acted all these years. I've missed you so much." Oscar and them chatted for a while and caught up. He told his parents many things about Maisie and things from New York City.

Now all that's left is to hear what Maisie and her parents are up to today.

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