The Bookstore - 2

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edited(please lmk if i made any errors)

Later that day, the couples and everyone at the bookstore leave. Maisie closes and locks her store up, tiredly rubbing her eyes. She turns the lights off and trudges up the stairs to the only level above the bookstore where she lives.

It's a small apartment type living space with more than enough room for just her. Every wall is a pristine white and the flooring is a polished dark wood. The kitchen attaches to the dining room. There's a little wall in between the living room and kitchen, but the doorway is very wide, opening the space up more than it would be if the door was normal.

The colors of her home are multiple blues, greys, and white. Some little decorations here and there are green and a lavender purple. Maisie's bedroom is her favorite room in the apartment. It has baby blue walls and a giant window that overlooks the city. Since it's up kind of high, she can see many things below that she isn't able see if she's in the bookstore. Her king sized bed takes up a small corner, considering she renovated everything and made her room larger than most of the other rooms. The bed has a grey comforter on it with white and grey pillows sitting at the headboard.

There is a dresser near the big window along with cute shelving around her room that holds little succulents. There are LED fairy lights hanging from her ceiling. The closet isn't the biggest, but it holds all of her tons of clothes.

You might be wondering how she can get all of these things when all she does is work at a bookstore, but as an entrepreneur and independent woman, she's done other big things that have helped her along the way of her dream journey.

Maisie created her own website and it had gotten really popular about a year back which brought in much of the money for her. Almost all of the money she earns goes into savings, so she really doesn't have that nice of clothes. However, she is still healthy and has lots of food on the upstairs floor. She doesn't buy much for herself because she knows she doesn't need it all.

She walks into her bedroom and feels the same breathtaking feeling when she looks outside of the giant window, looking out into the evening city. Big lights were covering far ground near the sidewalks and roads and so are some benches here and there. The wind blew the trees around a little bit and Maisie smiles. She didn't turn the ceiling lights on, instead she flips the switch to her small fairy lights one by one, watching as a bus and a couple of cars drive by at a moderate speed.

Maisie flops onto her bed and grabs the phone she almost never uses. There is a text from her mom.

'You need to come visit sometime' it says. Maisie clicks her phone off. She never thought, and quite frankly still does not think, that her parents really love her. She has this idea that they only had her so she can keep the 'family tradition' going of becoming a famous doctor or something close to that area of work. However, that's not what she's interested in doing. Though her parents were disappointed, they showed their support in her. Even if the support was, and still is, somewhat false. Maisie turns her phone back on and stares at the text for a second before starting to type a response.

'I will when I find the right time, sorry mom' she types back. Maisie hesitates to hit send but after multiple seconds, the text is delivered. 'I'm still a bit busy but I'll make sure to clear my schedule.' She sighs and stands up from her bed, walking over to her connected bathroom, the only full bath in her home. The other half bathroom is near the kitchen and front door.

Maisie grabs her toothbrush and toothpaste, getting ready to brush her teeth for bed. It's not too late and usually she ends up falling asleep a little after eleven o'clock but she likes to be ready in case she falls asleep before hand. Maisie reads before going to bed and since she doesn't really have anyone to talk to but her parents and herself, that's all she ever really does around her house, well, other than eating and regular human activities and living necessities.

Once she was done brushing her teeth, she decides she is going to take a shower in the morning before opening the bookstore. As she is the owner of the store and can do whatever she wants. She wraps herself up in her comfortable bed and blankets and finally turns on the lamp next to her bed so she can see what she's reading.

Maisie finishes another four chapters of the book before wanting to get to sleep. After turning off the lamp, she walks over to the blinds and closes them. Then, she flips the switch on her fairy lights, making her room completely dark. She makes it to her bed and gets under the covers. She check her phone again, seeing if her mom responded. 'Okay' is all it says. 'I'll let you know when I can come soon enough.' Although she wants to go, she doesn't feel comfortable seeing them. She ends up falling asleep no more than ten minutes later, still thinking a little about her parents.

Sometimes, for Maisie, it gets really lonely not having anyone to have a personal conversation with. To not have friends over at her house or something of the sorts. One night she got so lonely that she didn't sleep at all that night because she was thinking of how different her life would be if she had taken her parents' career path.

Almost every single second of the day, Maisie is happy and cheerful to see the amazing and kind people that enter her store everyday. But, sometimes you need to let go of your emotions and that's exactly what happened another night when she completely broke down and had to call her mom.

Her mom wasn't helping at all. 'If you would've listened to your father and I you wouldn't be in this situation' is all she said during that call. After that statement, Maisie went quiet over the phone and sniffled.

'At least I'm happy with my job.' She ended the call after that and sat in her bed contemplating whether her mother was right. But, of course, being the stubborn person Maisie is, she didn't and still hasn't let her parents get in the way of her happiness. In fact she ignored them for a week and a half, maybe popping in a few vague and short texts and calls or things here and there.

Maisie, unlike most people these days, knows what she wants and she will stop at nothing to get there. She's hard working and that's one of the main reasons she's so happy with how everything turns out. Being lonely does not stop her from continuing what she's been doing.


1296 words

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i hope you enjoyed this chapter

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also if i made any errors at all, please tell me i need the constructive criticism :)

and like i said in the description, this story is slow paced and there will be slow updates
if you want me to upload more chapters, be sure to comment or dm me

have a good rest of your day/night

- steph -
- xx -

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