The Bookstore - 14

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The woman smiled as she walked back to the counter in the bookstore. Since it's already later in the day, she doesn't want to open up but instead have a chill day. She reads some more of her book and stops at the last chapter wanting to save the end for another day. That took a couple of hours as the page numbers was relatively large. She then headed up to her home and ate some dinner. It's only three-fifty-six when she finishes and she decides to finally go on her phone. She notices a call from her mom but decides to listen t the voice mail later.

'I miss you already :p' she decided to be risky and sent the text to Oscar. Hearing an instant reply back, she smiles. 'That was quick' she thought to herself. Was he waiting for her to text him? 'I miss you too.' She frowned slightly at the bland message but shakes it off and thinks of their kiss yesterday. It was truly amazing to her. She surprised herself by getting straight to it, but she felt better about it afterwards.

Maisie clicks on her mom's voicemail and listens to it closely. 'It's probably the same thing she calls me for everyday.' She rolled her eyes at the thought but still listened. "I'm getting tired of not seeing you anymore. I'm not holding a grudge that you didn't become a doctor anymore and I'm done yelling at you for being happy. I know I haven't been the best mom at all these past years and I want to make up for it. Will you please come visit us soon? Take care, Maisie. I love you." Maisie sighed after hearing the whole thing and playing it another time. She felt relieved after hearing her mother's words. She calls her back and the phone picks up after the second ring.

"Hey mom, I want to say thank you. But, um, I am still a bit busy as of right now but as soon as I'm off of everything I'll make sure to get to you." She got out right away without letting her mom speak. "It's alright dear. Do what you gotta do. I do really want to see you though, I miss seeing your beautiful face around here and I miss the good times we had before your father and I got mad at you." Maisie smiled. "I understand why you were mad." She replied. "And I can't thank you enough for understanding and forgiving me. It was honestly never about the fact that you didn't become what we wanted, that was your dad, but for me I was mostly mad and sad that you were leaving us." Maisie frowned. "I'm not leaving you permanently mom, but I have to go now I'm meeting with someone soon." She lied, not wanting to talk about this anymore. That would be for when she sees her in person.

"Alright M, I love you. I hope to see you soon." Maisie nodded before she remembered her mom can't see her, "I love you too, me too. Bye mom." She's happy that her and her mom are finally getting over the past and are finally getting along again. The time went by quick and now her phone buzzed, notifying her of a message.

'I'm outside' the text read. She smiled at the name before running out of her home and down the stairs. She unlocked the vintage door and smiled at the man. The sun is setting and she invites him in, locking the door right after. "I didn't know you were coming today?" It was almost a question and she was basically bouncing on her feet from happiness. Today is just a good day for her. "I wanted to surprise you. Why are you so happy all of a sudden?" Oscar teased and wrapped his arms around her waist. The woman grinned and explained the phone call she had with her mom earlier. "That's amazing, I'm proud of you." A kiss was landed on Maisie's forehead and, instinctively, she closed her eyes.

"I wanted to talk to you though." Oscar said, frightening the woman he holds in his arms. "We could go upstairs. Come with me." She took his hand anyways and lead him up the stairs and towards her home. They got in and he admired the place. "Sit. Please." Maisie said, scurrying over to the kitchen counter and grabbing glasses of water for the two of them. "Thank you princess." Oscar said, taking a small sip of the water.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" She was getting a tiny bit anxious now. This could either go bad or good. Good, which would make her even happier than she already is. Bad, which would totally put a damper on her mood. "Right, so I've been wanting to do this for a while now. I think now is the right time. I mean, I'm not sure but-" Maisie cut him off with a peck on the lips. "Shut up and stop rambling, you're scaring me. Get. To. The. Point." She demanded. Oscar widened his eyes and flushed. To him, seeing Maisie get mad is attractive and this is the first time she's gotten mad. I wouldn't say mad but annoyed.

"Sorry, sorry. Will you?" He cut himself off and rubbed his fingers through his hair. Maisie sighed and set her glass of water down. She got comfortable. 'This is going to take a while' she thought to herself. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He spit it out quickly and shut his eyes tightly. Maisie gasped and grinned. Good, things are still going good.

"Oscar," she realizes that it could be fun to mess with him a little bit. He opens his eyes and looks disappointed at her tone. "I don't know if I can say this." She dragged on slowly, keeping her face looking guilty. "But, yes! I would like to be your girlfriend very much." She clapped her hands and finally looked at his shocked face. "Don't ever do that to me again. Damnit Maisie! Don't scare me like that." She giggled and sipped more of her water. Shrugging her shoulders, she lets out a sheepish 'sorry not sorry' and continues to smile at his handsome face.

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