The Bookstore - 9

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"My mom and dad both wanted and still want me to be a doctor of some sort." Maisie rested her chin on her hand as she sighed once again. "That's obviously not what you wanted." Oscar said quietly, looking around at the beautiful building he's standing in. Maisie nodded, though she didn't think he saw by the way he is looking around instead of at her. She keeps talking and looks down at her lap, moving her fingers around and touching the little seams in her jeans.

"Yeah. My parents got really angry, they still are, but a little less now than they were when I sat down and told them what I wanted for myself. Then I moved here, somewhat quickly, to get away from the toxicity." Maisie shrugged and lifted her head. Oscar has zero emotion on his face until he turned his set straight mouth into a very tiny smile that Maisie still somehow caught. She sighed to herself, reminiscing what happened that day.

'I want to move to New York and do my own thing.' She got straight to the point. Maisie's mom started to cry and yelled at her daughter. Her father hugged her mother and told her sweet nothings in her ear to calm down the sobbing woman. Maisie day back and watched pitifully. She never did believe that they loved her, she always imagined they just wanted her for the money she would obtain later in life. Obviously, they think now that it's not going to happen anymore since her dreams are different than theirs.

Maisie, unlike her parents, is happy with her life now. She does have her own money and is well off by herself. After she moved out of her parents' house, she realized she had nothing until she bought the old bookstore that needed much help. It wasn't much money to buy and the only expenses at the time was rent until she completed the buying process and took it over with the money she had saved from all of her high school jobs. She knew that would definitely come in handy and it has.

"I've noticed something about us two." Maisie let out a small 'hmm' and raised one eyebrow at him, gesturing for him to keep going and explain what he means. "We're very similar. It almost scares me." Oscar smiled and looked at the young woman sitting in front of him. She returned the smile and chuckled a little bit. "Yeah, I guess. We both have similar stories." She stated. The man nodded and slid down onto the floor to sit.

"We've both made our own way in this cruel world. We've both had similar family problems. We've both been alone all this time, I'm assuming for you." His last sentence wasn't meant to offend Maisie but somehow it bothered her a little bit. She let it go, not wanting to start anything with her new found crush. "Believe it or not, we both have money too. We have made our own way financially stable after all of our hard work." Maisie commented. The two gazed at each other for what seemed like forever but was only a few minutes.

"I really came here to ask you out on a date, a real date, to see you as well, but we both got quite deep in thought there." Oscar laughed aloud and peered up at the beauty staring at him from the swivel chair. Maisie smiled at him. "You can still ask me, you know." She gave him a little smirk and egged him on. "Yes, I know. I'm getting there princess." The name made Maisie's face tint red. She mentally cursed herself for easily blushing. Oscar's laugh reached her ears just as the red tint did as well and she smiled.

"Will you go on a date with me, Maisie Cave?" She put a fake thinking face on and made a 'hmm' sound once more. Oscar chuckled. "I would love to, Oscar Stone. Where would we be going and when?" She spun her chair around in a couple of circles and stopped after three times to wait for his answer. "I'm thinking two days from now, since it's Friday, and I'll pick you up at five o'clock. It'll be a surprise, as cliche as that sounds." Maisie clapped her hands twice in an excited manner. The man grinned at her while standing up. He decides that it's getting a little late and they both have important things to do tomorrow, so he pulls the girl off of her swivel chair and hugs her to his chest. She returned the hug tightly and they stood there for a minute before releasing each other.

"It was good seeing you today and I'm sorry for being late. I have to go, but I will definitely be seeing that beautiful face of yours tomorrow. Sleep well princess." Oscar winked before opening the door and exiting. Maisie stood there waving goodbye to him as he drove away in his expensive car. She bit her lip and took the keys out to lock up and head upstairs to her home. Maisie cant help but think she's a,ready falling for this guy. She might have negative thoughts about this, like maybe that he's going to play her until he gets what he wants and then leave. Or he'll break her heart once he has it.

She feels that those thoughts are stupid and irrelevant because she believes that Oscar would do no such thing. She could be all wrong about this man and he might just be the most gentlemanly, most loving, caring, and amazing man on earth. Although, that type of person is very rare in the world today.

Maisie climbed the steps to her home and went straight to her bedroom. She completed her nightly routine in a daze. Maisie checked the clock on the night stand. It read nine o'clock sharp and she gasped, shocked that they were talking for that long. It only felt like a couple of minutes that they were with each other, but when you're having a good time or conversation it usually goes by quickly.

Maisie smiled at the thought of Oscar and plopped herself in the middle of her bed. She didn't look out of the window this time, but she instead got under her covers and closed her eyes. Still smiling, the girl fell into a deep slumber thinking about her future. If they would be together in the future. If they would even be a thing right now, in the present. 'Would we be a good match if we got together?' Maisie thought in her sleep. 'Would he enjoy my company and would we love each other in the future?' She asked herself again. Many people will think her contemplating about the future with a man she just met is crazy, but she feels in her gut that this relationship might really turn out to be a great one even though it has yet to form.

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