The Bookstore - 10

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Like any other gentlemanly guy, Oscar rushed home and planned out what they are going to be doing. Yes, it is later in the evening, but he really doesn't care at this point. He wants everything to be perfect for Maisie. He doesn't quite know why he's becoming so fond of the young woman that works at the store down the block from his work and it's weird for him to actually like someone. Especially if he just met them.

Oscar knows where he wants to take Maisie. It's not a fancy and expensive restaurant nor is it a small diner in the city but something way more relaxing and private. He only needs privacy because of the paparazzi, though he wouldn't care if everyone knew that he would be going with Maisie Cave.

Before he could really start to plan something and get ahead of himself, he undressed himself of his suit and only wore boxers. The covers were flipped up as he slid into them and then got comfortable in bed. He turned the lamp shade off, stared wide awake at the dark ceiling, and thought of the perfect date for Maisie.

He finally fell asleep no more than an hour later and peacefully slept with the girl still in the back of his mind. His smile could still be seen on his face even though he is sleeping.

In the morning, Oscar hurried to do his morning routine so he can go to work and get everything done quickly. The clicking of his computer keyboard is heard for a couple of hours before he finally decided that it was time to be done for the day, as he got all of it and most of tomorrow's work done. He smiled on the way to the bookstore, something he's grown accustomed to after meeting Maisie. The music in his car was playing and he was lightly singing along to it. Oscar pulled into the parking spot right across from the store door and stepped out of his car. He's greeted with the fresh air of the outdoors and walks the few short steps towards the antique door.

The same bell was heard above him and he looked over to where the girl sat in her swivel chair. She looked up and grinned once realizing who the person was that entered.

"You're very early, Oscar. It's only two p.m." The girl looked at her watch and then back up at Oscar. He had a sheepish look on his face. "I finished all of today's work and most of tomorrow's so that I could come see you." He shrugged his shoulders before finally lookin around the bookstore.

Many people were there. They were non-stop staring at him. Obviously, since he's the city's hot billionaire. There's always going to be that one extremely attractive guy in the city and that just happens to be Oscar Stone. Though, the man isn't egotistical at all, in fact he tries to stay away from that aspect of life. He doesn't like to seem stuck up but instead humble and kind.

"Mr. Stone?" A little boy's voice, no older than seven years old, was heard just a few feet from the two and both Maisie and Oscar turned their heads. "Oscar is fine buddy." Oscar kneeled down to somewhat be at the kid's height and the kid smiled greatly. "My name is August. I really want to grow up to be you. I thought I'd never see you in person but here you are! Can I get a picture with you?" For how old he looks, the little boy is very well spoken and has amazing social skills. Probably how he was raised growing up to be the almost-teen he is now.

"You sure can bud. Is one of your parents here that has a phone?" The little boy, August, nodded and pointed over to where a couple stood, smiling at their son. Oscar waved them over and they quickly walked to the three. Maisie's smile never left her face as she saw how Oscar interacts with the child. She silently admires how he isn't always business and professional work.

"Do you want my phone Auggy?" The mom said, well, Oscar assumes is the mom. He didn't say anything though, just smiled. August nodded and snatched the phone before saying a cute 'thank you.'

"Smile and say cheese!" Oscar said, holding the phone out in front of the boy and himself. August gave a very big smile while Oscar truly laughed. "Thank you so much Mr. Stone. August has this huge dream of becoming just like you when he's older." The man holding his wife stated politely. "It's no problem, I enjoy that I inspire at least one child." Oscar chuckled and shook the mans hand. "And, please. Call me Oscar. That goes for you too Auggy." August gasped and jumped around. "Mom! He called me by my nickname! This day is so good!" Maisie laughed at the boy's excited voice and the group of four finally looked at her.

"When you reach your dream, you're going to get an amazing and beautiful girl to be with you forever. Just like Maisie over here, she's what makes me happy." August giggles after being whispered to by Oscar. The boy nodded his head and grinned with all of his teeth showing. "Thank you Mr. Oscar." The man shook his head amusedly. "I'll tell you what, how about I get your parents' numbers and we can schedule some dates to teach you big people work." The last three words of Oscar's sentence were said in a funny voice and he posed in a superhero stance.

"Yes! Mama, can we?" August turned to his parents and hugged her. She laughed at her child and nodded her head. "Yeah, you and daddy go find some good books to read, okay?" Auggy smiles and walks away, holding his father's hand.

"I can't thank you enough." The mom said. "Is there anything I can repay you with?" The woman gave her number to Oscar as he just shook his head. "Happiness is all I need and seeing his smile will make me happy, um-" His voice trailed off. "Tracy." Oscar nodded and smiled while shaking her hand firmly but gently. "Well, Tracy, I look forward to seeing August again sometime. Just text or call me whenever and I'll try my hardest to reply." For being a famous billionaire, you can't expect him to have a big heart and be so kind. However, Oscar is kind to the people who give him the same treatment.

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