The Bookstore - 11

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The young woman watched as Oscar interacted well with the child and his parents. Though they just met only a week or so ago, she can already feel herself getting way too attached. For god's sakes, they haven't even been on a real date yet!

Maisie sighed as most of the customers in her bookstore left. She always wonders how she evolved so much and so fast in just a couple of years. She started with an old, abandoned bookstore and created it into something so extraordinary; something everyone can enjoy, not just herself. She then started to gain more and more money as months went on. Her bookstore started to progress as well throughout the few years of having it in her possession. Now, she's changing into better things and actually finding her way up and out of the anti-social hole. Yet, her speaking and social skills are still excellent. I believe you need that in order to have a business.

Maisie loves that Oscar isn't as cold hearted as the stereotype says. She loves that he can talk to children without scaring them with zero effort. She loves that he's so humble towards others that he meets. Yes, Maisie could see herself falling deeply for this man, in the future.

She got knocked out of her thoughts when Oscar chuckled loudly. "You were zoned out for a bit but I didn't want to disturb your thoughts until now. So I can actually talk to you instead of looking at your pretty face." Maisie blushed and apologized quickly. She looked around her store and saw that there were only a couple of customer left in the store. She gazed at the large clock on the wall diagonal from her and read four-fifty-eight. She gasped loudly from not knowing where the time went. Maybe she was zoned out for a long time. She feels stupid now that the time has been lost because of her day dreaming and mind.

"Don't be sorry, Maisie. It was cute." Oscar comments, though pauses like he is going to keep talking. "Also, I like looking at you all relaxed and out in space." Maisie blushes once more and sits down in her swivel chair. She smiles through her blush and tucks a piece of hair behind her ear. "What's the plan for Friday?" Maisie changed the subject and raises her eyebrow. She really is curious and excited about tomorrow, but she knows that he probably won't tell her where they're going. Something about surprises is really popular these days for some reason. "I told you it's going to be a surprise. There will be hints along the way though, and I'll pick you up once I get done with work." The girl nodded, smiling at the boy.

Maisie looked around and saw that the couple of people were still there and some more people came in. 'How did I not hear the bell?' She asks herself. It's safe to say that she was so invested in her thoughts and Oscar that she didn't even notice her surroundings. That could be dangerous for her, but she lets it go and shakes off that weird feeling. "When will you be done with work?" She asks, resting her head on her hand that was propped up by the chair's arm. Oscar chuckled while shaking his head. "It depends, but I'll try to make it at a reasonable time." He winked I'm her direction and she blushed yet again. They carried on with different and pointless conversations for about an hour. The people who exited the building got a 'goodbye, hope to see you again tomorrow' from Maisie as they left slowly one by one.

Maisie checked the time on the clock after realizing that everyone has left and yawned. "You tired?" Oscar softly asks. She nods her head slightly and smiles at him. "Get some sleep, you're going to need it for our little adventure tomorrow." Oscar grabs her cheeks in a gentle and soft manner, going in for a small kiss on her forehead. She smiled through her blush, again, and giggled quietly. "I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight." Maisie said goodbye and locked the place up. She went the normal route to her home and sat down on her couch, daydreaming about the man who has suddenly come into her life.

She decides since she hasn't taken a shower in two days that she will tonight. She thought of taking one tomorrow morning so she can be fresh for her date but it really doesn't matter that much considering she'll still be running the bookstore throughout the day tomorrow anyways. She hopped in and makes sure her hair is all wet before massaging her coconut scented shampoo into her roots. She doesn't normally put it on the end directly, as it wastes product and dries her hair out faster than she needs. Maisie let it sit for a minute while washing her body with the same brand and scent of body wash. After washing her body and hair out, Maisie spread the same brand and scent of conditioner all over her hair this time, being precise with getting it everywhere to make her hair soft and smell nice. She stands under the hot water for a little bit longer before getting out and drying off.

She flopped onto her bed and looked out the window today, watching the few cars and taxis drive down the roads of the city. The street lights are on and she could see a couple of people walking around. Those are the bravest of people. The ones who can walk around New York City in the dark night. The stereotypes usually say that downtown at night is scariest because bad people and drug dealers come out. Maisie thinks it's weird, but nonetheless stays in the comforts of her own home and building. She doesn't really get out of the bookstore much in the day time, so why would she go out at night?

Maisie closed her eyes, a little sleepy, and sighed. She stands and closes the curtains and blinds so she can have a peaceful sleep without the sun waking her up in the morning. The lamp next to her bed is on and she opens her book to the page she left off on last, wanting to become more sleepy and comfortable. She's already in her pajamas and ready to. Fall asleep whenever. After reading a few chapters, Maisie sets her book down on the bedside table and turns the lamp off. She falls asleep not too long after closing her eyes lightly. Her breathing is even and she is in a tranquil mental state.

In the morning, at about eight-forty-five, Maisie wakes up and stretches. She instantly has a smile on her face from excitement. She remembers that people are probably waiting to get into the bookstore and quickens her morning routine. It's a good thing she took a shower last night or else she would be very late this morning. She quickly made her way to the door of the bookstore and saw that many people filled the streets of New York City. She flipped the sign to the 'open' side and unlocked the door. After walking back to the large front desk and waiting maybe ten to twenty minutes, a few customers came in.

A couple, looking the age of teenagers', and two others that came in separate. The couple went straight to the cafe area and Maisie shouted a 'one second!' quietly. She scurried over to the vintage-looking bar and smiled at the boy and girl. "Welcome to Cave's, what can I get you?" The girl put on a thinking face and tapped her chin. "Hmm, I'll have a coffee with sugar and creamer. Add a muffin too." She smiled sheepishly at her boyfriend and held his hand as he just chuckled and smiled in return. "A water is fine for me." Maisie nodded and typed their order into the modern computer keypad. "That will be $12.96." The boy took out a twenty dollar bill and handed it to Maisie. "Here's your change, have a wonderful day and I hope you enjoy your short stay. Woah, didn't meant to rhyme there." Maisie chuckled at herself as the girl and boy she's never seen until today laughed along with her. The two walked over to the chairs not far from the many shelves of books, but a bit far from the lounge area.

They sat down and drank their beverages, Maisie noticed them laughing and talking quietly and smiled. One day, that will be her and whoever is willing to put up with her bookworm-self.

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